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it will take me with the traffic. Hopefully I’ll

be there soon.

She hoped so, too.

Alyssa: I can’t wait!

She set her phone back down, wondering if she shouldn’t try to play it a bit cooler. She soon reached the conclusion that no, she shouldn’t. She was only being honest. If that was too much for him, then he’d do better to go out and find himself someone who was less.

She went to the pile of boxes and started rearranging them one last time. She liked to be efficient. It might make some people laugh, but to her it made sense to make sure that the boxes she would need out first should go into the van last. To that end, she’d stacked them strategically to try and make sure that happened. Of course, she wouldn’t be able to control what the moving guys did, but at least she was giving herself a fair chance.

She let out a little squeal when the doorbell rang twenty minutes later. Then, she sucked in a deep breath to calm herself. She ran her hand over her hair to make sure it wasn’t a bird’s nest as she went to the door. When she looked through the peephole, the sight of him took her breath away.

How had she gotten so lucky? She’d tried to convince herself over the course of the week that perhaps he wasn’t as hot as she remembered him to be. That perhaps her imagination hadcreated a fantasy. But seeing him standing there, his hotness was confirmed. She laughed to herself at the thought. He could just imagine his face if she said those words to him. In fact, she might just say them at some point. Everybody liked to hear that someone found them attractive, right?

Her fingers trembled as she unlocked the door, and then he was there, smiling at her.

He was wearing another pair of dark jeans, this time paired with a black button-down shirt. And boy, did black look good on him.

His eyes looked a brighter blue than she remembered when he smiled at her. Then, he pulled his hand out from behind his back and held out a bunch of roses – red ones – a dozen of them by the look of it.

“Oh my gosh! Thank you! They’re so beautiful.”

His smile lit up his face as he handed them over. “Do you like them, really? I didn’t know if it was too cheesy.”

She grinned at him as she took the flowers from him. “I love them. They’re beautiful. And no one’s ever given me flowers before.”

His smile faded and he stepped toward her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “That’s horrible.”

She gave him a puzzled look. For a moment, she wondered if she should be offended by his words. But the way he was holding her to him and smiling down at her made it perfectly clear that he didn’t find anything about her horrible.

“That no one’s ever given you flowers before,” he clarified. “That needs to change.” His arm tightened around her, and she held the flowers out to the side. The heat of his body warmed her through his shirt and her blouse. Standing with him like that,touching from their knees to their chests, any doubts that she’d had melted away. Just as her body felt as though it might melt into his.

When she looked up into his eyes, he smiled and rested his forehead against hers. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” she breathed.

As soon as the words were out, he claimed her mouth in a kiss. Last weekend, his kisses had felt familiar. Now, this kiss felt even more so. His tongue slid against hers, and his arms tightened around her. Her free arm looped up around his neck pulling him down closer. It felt like they said so much more with that kiss than they would have been able to with words.

He told her that he really had missed her, that he hadn’t been absolutely certain that this was a good idea, but that now he was here, he knew it was.

She told him that she’d felt the same way. That she’d missed him, and that she was glad that he’d come. They both made clear that this was only the first kiss of the weekend and that there would be many more.

~ ~ ~

When Bentley finally came up for air from that kiss, he knew he should move away from her. Knew that he should let her at least go and put the flowers in water. But his arms refused to unwrap themselves from around her middle. He chuckled as he rested his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes.

“I missed you.” He’d already said it once, but it felt like he needed to tell her again.

Her eyes shone as they looked up into his. “I missed you, too.” Her smile faded a little. “Is that weird, though? I mean, howcould we … Why would we miss each other when we only just met?”

He shrugged. “I know what you mean, it is … He didn’t know what word he was searching for. Unusual wasn’t quite right. Surprising was closer to the mark. But neither of them conveyed how good it felt. He pressed a kiss to her lips. “For once in my life, I’m not too worried about the why or the how. I just know that I missed you. Strange as it may sound, it felt good to miss you. And …” he slid his hands down to cup her ass, “… it feels even better to not have to miss you anymore.”

She laughed. “That definitely feels good.”

He closed his eyes as she pressed against him. He loved the way it felt, as though she was melting into him. It sent heat surging through his veins. Much as he’d love to hike her long skirt up around her waist and make them both feel even better, he didn’t want to go there yet.

Well, of course he wanted to go there. He ached for her, and not just the ache in his pants, but the kind of ache that had settled in his chest on the flight home from Summer Lake, which he hadn’t been able to shake since.
