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The guy took a few steps toward her, then stopped and held his hands up. “Hey! There’s nothing to be afraid of. I might be sneaking around in the early morning hours, but I promise you, I’m harmless.”

She eyed him suspiciously. He didn’t look much like a burglar, and he certainly wasn’t dressed like one. He was dressed as if for a night out. “Oh!” When realization dawned, the noise escaped before she could stop it.

The guy smiled, and although this was hardly the time or the place to notice it, it was a very sexy smile. He was a good-looking guy. And if she had this right, the door that he had come out of led to Willow’s part of the house.

“That’s right,” he said with a wink. Then, his smile faded. “I know this is a big favor to ask, but if you could manage to not mention this to Bentley, I’d appreciate it.”

She frowned at him. She didn’t like the sound of that. The basis of everything that she and Bentley shared was that they were open and honest with each other.

The guy shrugged. “Sorry, that wasn’t fair of me to ask. I get it.” He laughed. “If you do tell him, could you at least just say that I was some guy?”

She finally found her voice. “Yes. I can do that. To me, that’s exactly what you are.”

“Shit! I am so sorry. You have no idea who I am, do you?”

She shook her head rapidly.

He chuckled. “I’ll tell you what …” He pointed down the hallway behind him and started backing away. “I’m just going to go. I’ll see you again soon, no doubt.” He laughed again. “Shit! I keep making this worse every time I open my mouth. I don’t mean that like some kind of mobster threat. I don’t meanI’ll see you again soonif you don’t do as I say.”

She had to laugh. “That’s okay, I didn’t think you did.”

“Good. I know it might not seem it right now, but I promise you I’m one of the good guys, okay?”

She couldn’t help smiling; she got the impression that he really was. “Okay.”

“Okay,” the guy repeated. “I hope you have a great visit, Alyssa. And I’ll just say that I’m sure we’ll run into each other again soon.”

“As weird as it is to say it, I look forward to it,” she said with a smile. “I get the feeling there’s quite a story here.”

He smiled through pursed lips. “Maybe. We’ll see. But it’s a story that – when it comes time to tell it – I’d rather tell Bentley myself.”

“I can respect that.”

He nodded and then turned on his heel and left. Alyssa stood there watching him go. He could’ve been a burglar if he wanted to be. He was a big guy, but he moved quickly and silently – stealthily was the word that came to mind. And on that note, she was going to take her still tired brain back to bed. The next time she woke up she’d decide whether this had been real or just a dream.

~ ~ ~

When Bentley brought his SUV to a stop in a spot just a little way down the block from Molly’s restaurant, he turned to look at Alyssa. He’d had trouble keeping his eyes off her as he drove into town. She was always gorgeous, but tonight, she looked even more so. He didn’t think it was even what she was wearing; her jeans hugged her long, lean figure, and the blouse she wore showed a teeny peek of cleavage. It drew his gaze to where it gathered under her breasts before flaring out in a kind of floaty, fluttery way that he couldn’t describe very well but he definitely liked.

But more than that, she seemed to glow. Her eyes shone the whole time; her long, dark, silky hair shone, too, as it moved around her shoulders. He cleared his throat, trying to shift the burning sensation that he felt there when he realized that she looked happy.

She gave him a puzzled look and reached across the console to touch his arm. “Are you okay with this?”

He had to laugh. “I thought that was my line.”

She laughed with him. “It usually is, but you’re sitting there looking so thoughtful. It occurred to me, that if we go in there, those are your friends … Maybe you’re not ready for this. And it’s okay. We don’t have to.”

He reached out and put a finger to her lips. “Don’t think that. Not even for a moment. I’m more ready for this than you can imagine. I want to introduce you to my friends. I want to show you off to them. I want you to get to know them; I think you’ll enjoy them.”

He met her gaze and held it as he added, “I hope you’re going to like them because I hope that they will become your friends, too.”

She nodded as she looked back into his eyes. “I hope so, too.”

“Do you get what I mean?” He needed to know that she understood, and that she was on the same page.

Her smile gave him her answer before her words could. “I do. I’d want you to get to know my friends, too – if I had any.” She let out a short laugh. “That’s really not as bad as it sounds. I’m not a knobby-no-mates,”

He laughed out loud at that. “A knob of what did you just say?”
