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She laughed hard before she repeated, “A knobby-no-mates. I guess it’s an English thing? I suppose the translation would be a dick who has no friends? A sad sack?”

He shook with laughter as he reached for her hand. “Okay, I think I understand what you mean. And I doubt that you could ever be called one of those.”

She smiled. “No. That’s what I mean. I do have some friends, but they’re just coworkers, people I’ve met through work. It’s not the same. Those people in there – ” she jerked her chin toward the restaurant “ – they’re important to you, aren’t they? They’re people you’ve known your whole life; real friends.”

He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “They are. They’re part of my life, and that’s why I’m eager for you to meet them.” He met her gaze and held it. “Since I’m hoping that you’re going to be a big part of my life going forward.”

It was too soon to say it, and he probably hadn’t phrased it the best way, but he didn’t care. The words were out, and she needed to hear them.

Relief swept over him when she smiled. “I’m hoping that too.” She laughed. “And I mean a bigger part than just your stepsister.”

He rolled his eyes and groaned. “I know. But we agreed we’re not going to worry about that tonight, right?”

She nodded eagerly. “We did, and I’m happy to. As long as you’re comfortable that us coming out together like this tonight won’t be a problem.”

“I can’t see how it would be. We’re going to call them tomorrow and tell them about us. I highly doubt that someone would see us together tonight and call them and tell them before we get the chance to.”

“I agree.”

“Are you ready then?”

“I am; I’m looking forward to it.”

~ ~ ~

“You guys are just too cute together!”

Alyssa smiled at Becca. She already loved her. She was probably a little bit younger than Alyssa, and there was a kind of innocent air about her, but she was bright and funny. She was smart, and down to earth, and Alyssa was already hoping that they would become good friends.

Now, as they stood in the bathroom, washing their hands side-by-side, she rolled her eyes at Becca. “Cute? Has anybody ever in the whole history of dating aspired to be cute?”

Becca threw back her head and laughed. “Hmm, you may have a point there. But I can’t take it back – you really are. Bentley is just an absolute sweetheart, I adore him. And you … You’re awesome! And I just love your accent!”

“Can you still hear it? I thought it had worn off by now; no one else mentions it anymore.”

“Wow! Don’t they? I can hear it loud and clear. I love it. But never mind me, we’re not here to talk about your accent. I’ve only got you to myself for a few minutes before we have to go back out there. So, I have to ask; how serious are things between the two of you?”

Alyssa hesitated. She wanted them to be serious. But they hadn’t talked about it. And how serious could they even think about getting before they knew what her dad and Ria were going to say?

Becca’s hand came up to cover her mouth and her eyes widened above it. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Tell me to butt out, it’s none of my business. It’s just … Oh, I can’t lie to you. I’ve got my fingers crossed. You two are so …” She hesitated, and Alyssa had to smile when she changed tack at the last moment. “… So perfect together – I won’t say cute again, but you are. And I’m being selfish, too. I want you to move here. Then we can be friends and hang out. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the girls. You will when you get to know them. They’re all so kind, and supportive; there’s no bitchiness. I don’t know about you, but I was scared to death of meeting a whole bunch of girls who’ve known each other all their lives. I thought I was going to be on the outside, but I’m not.

“But I’m still new, and when you come, you will be, too … And oh my gosh, would you listen to me? I sound like one of my third graders! I’m just excited, that’s all. I’m excited for you, I’m excited for Bentley, and yes, I won’t lie, I’m excited for me.”

Alyssa had to laugh. Becca was so sweet. And although she didn’t know the answer to Becca’s question, she was just as hopeful as her new friend was. “It’s still really early yet. We’veonly known each other a couple of weeks. And we already told you about the situation with our parents. We have to get them used to the idea before we can even think about moving things forward.”

Becca waved a hand at her. “They are going to be fine with it. Alexandria, I mean, Ria, seems scary at first, but that woman has a heart of gold. And she loves Bentley – she loves all of them. All she wants is for them to be happy. If you make Bentley happy, and you do, then no way is she going to have a problem with you. And besides, I don’t understand what the two of you are so worried about. If you ask me, I’d think that Ria and your dad are going to be over the moon.”

Alyssa nodded. Quite a few of Bentley’s friends had voiced that same opinion over the course of the evening. And having heard it repeated, she was starting to hope that it might be valid. The only dark cloud on the horizon for Bentley and her was the worry about what their parents would think. She’d be more than happy if that cloud got blown away.

“I hope so,” was all she said.

When they went back out to the table where everyone had been sitting, most of them were on their feet. She hadn’t managed to keep track of everyone’s names. Becca and Jacob had sat right by her and Bentley, and it was obvious that Jacob and Bentley were best friends. Then, there was a whole bigger group. She’d tried to remember them by their family names – their wine names.

The two good-looking Italian guys were the DiGiovannis, and they were with their wives, Molly, who owned the restaurant, and MaryEllen, who worked with Cameron. Cameron was Cameron Hamilton, of Hamilton-Groves. Bentley had explained to her that the guy they met outside The Boathouse, Cole, wasCameron’s older brother. And Chelsea, the outgoing, pixie- like blonde, who sat across from Alyssa, was the youngest Hamilton sibling. That left Jacob who owned Jacobs Estate, and his younger sister Hannah whose fiancé, Grady, worked for Molly and had spent as much time waiting on the table as sitting and hanging out with them.

Bentley came to her and slid his arm around her waist. “These guys have decided they want to move on to Muse. It’s a wine bar just a little farther down. We can …”

Antonio DiGiovanni turned to them with a smile. “It’s not just a wine bar, it’smywine bar. So, you must come.”
