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I hadn't laideyes on the sacred pools since being cast out of the palace. All at once, I was struck by the memory of waking up here, coming to consciousness in the warm water, surrounded by strange alien creatures. I remembered my terror and then my curiosity, and then the enduring sadness when I realized that I would never go back home. I would never get married or have a normal life, whatever that was. Even during the best of times, when Kiango had me convinced that I could be a Wife and live inside the palace, I couldn't come to terms with everything that had been stolen from me.

And yet, here I was. This was my new normal. Time had washed away the sadness and left a dull ache in its place. I could wake up with the strange sun on this planet and greet the day with courage as I went about my work. I had made peace with this strange turn of events without even realizing it.

I took a long look around, making sure the pools were truly empty, listening for any footsteps or voices that might echo off the walls. When I was satisfied, I returned to the entrance and waved the others inside, trying hard not to stare at Silas’s hardened scales and powerful appearance. He was so close to being a Guardian now, and I felt a strange sense of pride in seeing him through it. I knew he wasn't mine, but I felt like I had some part in his success, and it was hard to keep the thrill to myself.

Kiango brought him to the main pool and recited a few words. When that was done, Silas began undressing, setting aside his training clothes and stepping into the placid waters. My eyes followed his movements, lingering a little too long as his backside was bared to me, the firm muscles flexing as he shifted his feet. I forced myself to look away before he turned, his erect shaft coming into view before he dropped into the water up to his shoulders. But even through the dark ripples I could see its impressive size and the way it stood long and erect. I let out a little yelp of surprise, and then hastily covered it with a cough when both men turned to look at me. If I met Silas's eye now, I was sure I would burst into flames from the embarrassment.

"Ready?" Kiango asked, giving me a disapproving look before returning his attention to Silas.


I watched Silas slide beneath the water, his body going rigid as he sank to the bottom. Immediately, Kiango began to whisper the words which would clean Silas's spirit and bring him into Re'Utu's light. I had never heard this prayer before, and I didn't know the words, but it might have sounded beautiful if Kiango hadn't been rushing to get through it, barely pausing to take breaths between the lines.

As he said the final line aloud, he sprinkled something into the pool, scattering it so that it floated upon the water in little patches. Next, he lowered the candle that Silas had breathed life to down to the water. The flame raced along on top of the water's surface, burning up the herbs and filling the damp room with a strong odor. When it was done, the flames melted down into the pool, leaving no trace of the herbs.

Silas sat up, drawing a deep breath as the water coursed over his body, running down his face and sticking his hair flat to his forehead. His chest was heaving powerfully, but he looked alive and ready for battle. Whatever he had experienced under there, it had filled him with new energy and I could feel it even from where I was standing. For the first time, I had to admit that I wanted him. I wanted to feel the raw power that he was harnessing. I wanted to have a taste of it for myself.

"Welcome to the Guardianship."

Kiango held out a hand and helped Silas up out of the water. This time, when his cock emerged from beneath the waters, I didn't have the willpower to look away. He looked like a god, like Re'Utu himself had blessed his body.

Silas accepted a towel from Kiango and wrapped it neatly around his waist. But I could still see the shadow of the v-lines dragging my eye down past his waistline.

Abruptly, Ember looped her arm through mine and turned me away. "Come on." She gave me a knowing wink. "Maybe we can find something to celebrate with upstairs while they finish cleaning up."

I nodded hurriedly, quickening my steps to match her pace as we made our way out of the pools and up toward Kiango's room. I kept my mouth shut while Ember stopped into the kitchens, emerging with a couple bottles of wine, and didn't say a word even after the door was safely closed behind us and she handed me a glass.

"I didn't mean to..."

Ember burst into laughter before I could even finish my sentence. A smile rose to my face, but I was still too embarrassed to actually look at her. She took a long sip and shook her head.

"You don't have to apologize to me," she said with another little chuckle. "You know what you're up against. I just didn't want you to stay frozen in place for too long. Silas might have noticed."

I couldn't hold back the fit of giggles that came over me all the sudden. It was ridiculous, but I was so glad Ember understood, even if I could never act on my thoughts.

"I'd forgotten how the power affects them," I said lamely when I finally had my laughter under control. "I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

"Well, it'll be hard to forget."

We broke into another round of laughter, but it was cut short by the door swinging open abruptly. Kiango and Silas strode in, wearing the full armor of the Guardian and looking ready for battle.

"What's so funny?" Kiango asked, going to Ember and lifting the wine glass out of her fingers to take a sip for himself.

"Nothing," she said quickly, giving me a mischievous smile. Thankfully, Kiango didn't press her. He poured two more glasses of wine and took one to Silas. Together, we all raised our glasses and drank to the new Guardian in our midst.

"Now what? We wait?"

"Yes. You go about your duties and keep an ear out for any developments. Silas and I will continue training as if nothing has changed. When the next storm comes, we will be ready. You should get some sleep."

His words were a dismissal, but getting to the door would require walking within inches of Silas and I was still too overwhelmed with the energy radiating from him. I didn't think I could do it. I took one last gulp of my wine, handed the glass to Kiango, and made for the door with my head bowed and my eyes trained on each step.

Outside, I finally released my breath with a soft sigh and straightened. I felt like I was floating on a cloud of crazy emotions and desires. I had the urge to sprint away from there as fast as I could, but before I made it even three steps away from the door, I heard a noise behind me.

"Wait," Silas called quietly.
