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He looked around, sizing up the situation, and then at me. I was already hugging my arms tightly around my body, shivering as the cool wind blew all around us.

"First, we get you somewhere safe and warm," he decided.

I wondered briefly if we could go back for the blanket, but he was already striding away from the ship and toward the edge of an ominous tree line.

"Wait!" I called, jogging after him.

I caught up, breathing hard and regretting the extra exertion. My back was killing me and my hips protested at having to move at all. I caught hold of his arm and slowed him down.

"Do you have any idea where you're going?"

"No. But I do know that if anyone saw the ship go down, they're going to investigate. We can let them believe the pilot was the only one onboard. Once I find a safe place, I'll make us a little fire, and then I'll take a look around."

Another gust of wind rattled the branches above us and chilled me to the bone, but the twirling, tumultuous images of Re'Utu's fiery storm filled my mind and made me shudder at the idea of having a fire at all. Besides, a fire would produce smoke, and anyone might see it.

"No. We go together. Until we know where we are, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

He frowned down at me, obviously wanting to argue, but he thought better of it, and for once I thought that he might be made of more than just ego and cockiness.

"Fine. But if it gets too cold, we're stopping for the night. Got it?"

I nodded, happy to have reached such a simple consensus.
