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I sawSilas's body go rigid as Ember clutched at him. We shared a solemn look before he spoke softly to her.

"No. But we will find him. I promise."

The words had barely left his lips before she wailed, and her shoulders shook with defeated sobs.

Looking around the room, I met the eyes of the haggard survivors, many of them too tired and shocked to even rise or attempt to leave. They were clustered in groups, talking or resting with their backs against the wall. At last, my eyes landed on a solitary shape huddled in the far corner. Her dress sparkled awkwardly in the dusty air and barely covered her thin figure. Her long hair cascaded down over her face, a curtain between her and the others. Whatever had happened out there, Imrys had left Tatyanna to fend for herself.

"Everybody listen up," I shouted, my voice reverberating back to me in the majestic way that only the sanctuary could manage. Those few survivors who had been dozing looked up with surprise. "The way out is clear, and most of the palace is unharmed. If you'll follow us up, we can get into the kitchens to get everyone fed and into beds."

There was a rustling as people began to shift and climb to their feet, many of them looking like they might topple right back over. I chewed my lip anxiously, wondering if I'd made a mistake. Clearing my throat, I raised a hand and waited for everyone to quiet down before I tried again.

"Anyone too weak to walk on their own can stay here. We will bring food down and arrange for them to be carried. Someone should stay to keep an eye on them while we go get the kitchens warmed up."

Many of the residents looked from me to their brethren, and I could see the worry in their eyes. I couldn't blame them. They weren't used to taking orders from a servant. And I wouldn't want to leave my people behind either. Fortunately, the servants were already on the move, unperturbed.

Frustrated, I turned to face Silas and Ember, who was still crying into his chest. "Will one of you say something?" I demanded. "They'll listen to you."

Ember raised her head and I could see her irritation that I was asking something of her at a time like this. I didn't care. People were depending on us, and as the last of the Guardians and Wives, they had the floor. The only other person who could have taken charge was Tatyanna, and she hadn't even lifted her head when I spoke.

Probably better for all of us.

"Go," Silas said, speaking over Ember's head before she could say anything for herself. "Take who you can. I'll stay down here with the rest."

With a long sigh, I nodded my head. Despite my anger and frustration, I had a hard time leaving him down here. I had an even harder time when I saw the way Ember was still clinging to him. She'd already stolen one Guardian from me, and while I wouldn't insult our friendship by suggesting she might steal Silas, too, it did make my heart ache a little to realize that with Kiango gone, she had more of a claim to him than I did.

Pushing that thought firmly out of my mind, I went to the passage that was now crammed with sweaty bodies and growled for them to let me through. As I passed Trydan's rooms, I noticed that a few of the servants were trying to pry the doors open, and I snapped at them, too.

"Knock it off. Trydan isn't in there, and we have a job to do. Those people are counting on us. Now come on! I need two of you to move this beam and get the door open. Everyone else, stand back!"

My ragtag band went to work on the door, and I waited for the fresh air that would signal our freedom, and bring relief from the cloying stench that pressed in on me from all sides.

At first, I thought they might be too weak to move the beam, even with several of them throwing their weight into it, but eventually it budged. At least I didn't have to go back and ask for Silas's help.

A cool breeze tickled my skin, raising goosebumps all over me. With a sigh of relief, I led the way up. Somewhere in the distance, I could see the faint blue-grey glow at the top of the stairs, welcoming us back to Ke'Thal.

"Be careful. It's slippery and dark. No pushing," I called back, taking the first steps.
