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I step in before Sin leaves teeth marks. After all, that’s my job.

“Gramps, Genesis has the right of it. We all agree that you need to stop meddling in our lives and let us make our own decisions.”

“Now, see here—“

“No, Gramps.” Thomas cuts in, going to Tif and slotting her to his side. “We have found the women we want to be with. We are sorry that you don’t agree with our choices, but they are ours to make. And if you want us out of the company, we will step down after the holidays or until you get the right people to replace us. We will at least give you that.” He nods in my direction, my signal to give Gramps our collective ultimatum.

I do so, willingly, even though my shoulders are tense and my hands tremble slightly. However, my voice rings out loud and true. “Know this Gramps, Once we go, we’re gone for good. Cut us off and we’ll cut you out.”

This time, when I pull Sin behind me, she doesn’t resist. None of us do. We walk en masse from the room, leaving Gramps to gape after us.

My heart grows heavy. I knew it would. I love Gramps. I’d do anything for him...except give up Sin. But wherever we end up, I’m always going to know that she was worth it.

My hand trembles when I clutch the doorknob to pull it back. It is a heavy glass knob, like most of them in this house. The way the sunlight from the tall windows would sometimes reflect off of them and throw a prism of colors on the floor always fascinated me. A lump forms in my throat at the happy memories. Memories my kids will never get to experience.

Noting my hesitation, Sin squeezes my hand, giving me the strength to turn the knob and pull the door back—


I’m still worn out from last night.

Gramps had grumbled forever, but we had him cornered. Thomas and I talked the talk, and we would walk the walk if he pushed us too far. He knows that.

After all we are Grayson men.

Gramps insisted after he agreed to our terms—Thomas will run The Grayson Group and I will run The Grayson Foundation—that we stay the night at his place.

In fact, the staff had made up the rooms and unpacked our luggage.

Even down to our toothbrushes in a holder.

Sin freaked out a bit about someone going through her things. I told her she’d better get used to having money and people taking over her day-to-day tasks.

My tiredness leaves me when Thomas and I enter the building. Our building. It’s a heady feeling knowing we run this. And I hope one day, our kids will run it too.

If they want. Everyone has to pursue their own dream, what makes them happy.

That is the conversation Thomas and I have on the ride up to the 60thfloor and our executive offices.

“So, did you propose yet?”

Thomas gives me a cheesy grin. “I want to get her father’s permission.”

“Ah. That is noble of you, Tom-Tom. Do you think Jack will give it?” I say his nickname with affection now. He knows this as he smiles.

“I’m pretty sure he will. After Tiffany shows Sin around the city and drops her off here, she is going to her parent’s place to tell them once and for all the wedding with you is off.”

I rear back, shocked. “They still thought it would happen?”

Thomas cuts his eyes at me. “Yeah, since no one did anything to dissuade them otherwise.”

I hold up my hands in surrender. “Hey, don’t look at me. If you hadn’t gotten cozy with Sin—“

“Sin?” Thomas rolls his eyes. “How depraved are you?”

I give him a wicked grin then say, “Plenty, cousin. Plenty.”

Thomas and I are holding off on making the switch until after the holidays, so while he is in his office, munching on a donut, I’m stuck in meetings from morning until noon.

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