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“If I accept that our security is leaking, I still can’t think of a hole that explains everything that’s happened.”

“What do you mean?”

Liam held up a finger. “First, there’s the restaurant. I announced in Sunny’s place that we were going. This could’ve been picked up by a bug that somehow made it into his apartment within the last six weeks. But that wouldn’t explain how they knew Sole would be at Laser, since he hardly announced that in the living room before sneaking out. One method explained for my attack, but discredited for another.

“But all right, let’s go back to Sunny’s attack. He didn’t have his security, but he did have his phone. Maybe that was bugged or infected with a tracking app. Maybe mine was too. That’s how they knew where we were. Again, it doesn’t explain Grant and Snyder lying in wait for River to find them, call you, and then for you to call Sunny and send him running.

“Speaking of the setup at the café, I have considered that Coates was on staff by then. It’s possible he caught on to our searching for Grant in Rockchapel. He could’ve told him and Snyder to be ready. Then when he drove you to Banana Tree, he warned the con was on.”

He held out his hands. “Even if there’s an explanation that covers all of those incidents, we’re leaving out Genny. We don’t know the location of her safe house, so neither guard, bug, nor tracker could’ve picked it up from us.”

I had to give him something, Liam did look at it from every angle... except one.

“Liam, it’s hard to accept this, but maybe you have to consider there isn’t one explanation that covers it all... because all are possible. If the Brotherhood has been planning this for months going on years, they could’ve used that time to turn a valet and a bodyguard. They could’ve snuck bugs in past your security once, twice, or enough times that a six-week end date didn’t stop them getting what they needed. Then, on a random day you don’t remember, they lifted your phones, installed spyware, then tucked it back in your pocket.”

“Mackenzie, what you’re suggesting isn’t a leak, it’s a flood. That would mean our security has failed in every way. I may as well fire Thatcher and his team, and take my chances.”

I sank in my seat, rocking Laurel. The last few days would be forgotten for her in every way, which included getting her back into her schedule. That meant it was naptime, though she had a look in her big beautiful eyes that she wasn’t sleeping anytime soon or missing out on her plane ride in the private jet.

“All we’re doing is guessing anyway,” I said. “We don’t know how they’re following you guys around the city, only that they are. What we do know is this enemy has to be well-funded and connected, right?”


“We know they’re smart because they managed to hide all this time, building an organization of murderers in secret. We know they’re patient. For as much as they obviously hate the Merchants, they didn’t make a move until they were certain they could take you all out—which tells us something,” I mused. “They also don’t care if you know why you’re suffering or who’s behind it. They only care that you do. I’m assuming most of the enemies you deal with aren’t like that.”

Liam inclined his head. “Also correct. Most people after revenge want you to know why. More than that, they need to look in your eyes while you scream. They have to be the one tossing you over the bridge or pulling the trigger. It’s more than ego. It’s compulsion,” Liam admitted. “Once I find the bastard who almost killed my daughter, I will not outsource his death. He will suffer long and hard under my hand.”

I covered Laurel’s ears. She didn’t have a clue what we were talking about, but I couldn’t help it.

“Seems to me all of that adds up to a specific type of person,” I said. “Cold, efficient, calculating, intelligent, rich. Does that help us narrow the list of people this could be? For example, Vito is involved, but I can say without doubt he’s not in charge.”

Liam snorted. “That is for certain. The person you describe does paint a singular picture. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were speaking about me.”

“You’re not cold,” I said so quickly there wasn’t a chance to stop. “Anyone who sees you with Lizzie would slap themselves for thinking it. My point was that we can narrow down the suspects with that picture.”

“Yes, but...” His gaze drifted over my shoulder. “Maybe not for us. The more I think about it, the more what you said bothers me. If this person hates us so much, why were they willing to let Snyder do all the dirty work? If they’re that cold and removed, can it be termed as revenge?” His eyes glazed, brow wrinkling. “It doesn’t make sense unless... Your sister truly is psychic.”
