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“Oooh.” He pulled a face. “Promise you won’t get mad?”

I laughed. “Nothing good starts off with that question, but yes, I promise.”

“I did make a deal with Makai and Athena. They gave me something valuable to the former owner of these shelters in exchange for letting the Sons of Saint into Rockchapel.”

My expression gave nothing away as I processed this. “You let them into the one borough they can’t go, and they did the same for you.”

“That’s the gist. I am sorry I lied when you caught us, but I knew Sunny wasn’t dead and you would’ve told him what we did. This deal was too important to risk.” He shook his head. “That’s not an excuse. It’s just the reason I did what I did.”

“Okay,” I began. “I can understand. I’m not happy you lied, but you’re not wrong. I would’ve told Sunny. It’s hard to fault you when I look around this place. This is a much better shelter than a dirty quayside warehouse.” I bumped his shoulder. “Even when you’re being an asshole to me, you’re being a savior to someone else.”

“Savior.” River rolled it around on his tongue. “The Vagrant Savior or the Drifter Savior. Why don’t they call me that on the streets?”

“’Cause your big head couldn’t take it.”

We laughed, breaking the tension.

“So the guy trades you for all of this,” I said. “Wow. Are you all set for money? Donations? Inspectors?”

“Everything’s on the up-and-up. These are private shelters, so no government money comes our way, but I have a friend that’ll help me organize biannual charity donation events.” He motioned to the city. “In this borough, the checks are large.”

“You have a friend who’s going to help you throw those super-exclusive events where everyone pays ten thousand dollars a plate for two morsels and then bids on their future third yacht.”


“Damn. I was doing this homeless thing all wrong.”

River cracked up. “I’ve given out a lot of favors, knowing the perfect day would come to collect.”

“Does it bother you the things you have to do in exchange? I’m making no judgments since I don’t know the full story, but you’ve fought to keep the Merchants out of Rockchapel all this time. Can you and Sunny, or you and Liam, handle sharing boroughs without friction?”

River stretched his legs out and draped his arm around me. “This would’ve happened anyway. At least I got something good for my people before we were forced to work together.”

“What do you mean? Why are you forced together?”

“Grant figured out he could escape the Merchants’ notice by hiding out in Rockchapel. I’d bet my looks those other Brotherhood bastards got the same idea in their head. My crew can’t track them all down by ourselves. The Merchants know better than me the enemies they made. Therefore, until the Brotherhood is put down, the Rat King and the Merchants are allies.”

“But, River, this isn’t your fight. The Brotherhood are after the Merchants, not you.” I motioned around. “Plus, you have all of this to look after now. These shelters could help a lot of people.”

River’s eyes hardened to chips of granite. “Kenzie, I walked in on the fate those bastards chose for you. Chained to the wall like an animal. Raped over and over again without end. This isn’t your fight and still they handed you over to Luca just to get to the Merchants.

“All these women. You. Laurel.” His voice cracked. “That the Brotherhoods recruited Digger instead of putting him down like a rabid dog is why I won’t stop until every one of them is gone from my city. They will never hurt you again.”

My lips trembled, painted with tears. I started to say something—what I didn’t know.

Turning away, I drew my legs up to my chest, hugging them as it all emptied out. River didn’t push. His hand was warm comfort on the back of my head until I finally lifted it, wiping my cheeks on my sleeve.

“I should get back to Laurel. It’s almost time for her lunch.”

“Okay. I’ve got some papers to sort through, but don’t take off. I’m close to the Fairfield now. I’ll walk you two back.”

Smiling, I kissed his cheek. “That’s sweet, but we took the car and Sunny will just drive beside it the whole time.”

“Shouting catcalls like he’s not already your boyfriend.”

I almost giggled. “That is so him. We’d just end up drawing attention.”

River was gentle drying my eyes. “I hope we can still see each other. Not just me and you, but you, Sienna, and the entire crew. We had the most fun when the Blaine sisters were running with us.”

“Of course we’ll still see each other. We’re going to see a lot of each other,” I said, bumping his shoulder and not pulling back. “Why wouldn’t we?”

He flashed me a wry look. “The Fairfield is a fortified paradise. It’s easy to shut yourself in there and ignore the world while the serfs do your bidding, keeping the money flowing.”

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