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“We’ll need new clothes,” Sunny continued. “Me, Bane, Liam, Genny, and our staff. We’re taking this opportunity for a new, fresh look. At least, I am. Liam will take the same boring, three-piece suits, but me”—Sunny threw out his hands—“think bold.”

“We can absolutely do that, sir.” Vance snatched up a pad, scribbling furiously. “It’s funny that I was just thinking it’s time for you to receive a fresh look for fall. You’re really going to love what we’re creating downstairs, Sunny. I’m sure of it.”

Sunny snapped his fingers. “I’d also love a few of those features we discussed. Imperceptible pockets. Places to hide weapons. That sort of thing.”

Hollywell’s smile tightened around the edges. “Very funny, sir, but we also discussed that I cannot inform my employees to make hidden pockets for weapons.”

I had to wonder about their relationship. Why did Hollywell know, and fear, the real people behind the Johnson account and no one else in Caddell House did?

Except for the sneaking traitor gift-wrapping them for the Brotherhood.

“Course not,” said Sunny. “Why do you think I brought this lovely lady along?”

Hollywell took the first proper look at me since I stepped into the room. I attempted not to take it personally since Sunny was a dangerous crime boss. That was still hard to get my head around—the sexy, loving man who holds me while I sleep and blows raspberries on my giggling daughter’s stomach is a dangerous crime boss.

“This young woman? I don’t understand,” Hollywell said, lowering his pad. “Who are you, miss?”

“My name is Mackenzie Blaine.”

His face changed in a blink. “Hold on. Blaine? Blaine as in...” Vance pawed through his bottom drawer, pulling out a file. My eyes widened seeing my name across the top, and then my up close and personal employee photo. “This Mackenzie Blaine? The one who was fired not long ago for passing off others’ designs as your own?”

I raised a finger. “The very same, but I’d like to point out I was framed and falsely accused.”

His lips peeled back. “You would say that.”

“Play nice, Vance,” Sunny gruffed. “You’re speaking to the new designer for the Johnsons.”

“I beg your pardon!”

Sunny plowed on. “Of course you’re not dumping all the work on her. She’ll need assistants, junior designers, underlings—whatever you call them. They’ll do whatever she says, but the one doing the actual designing, and putting my pockets in all the right places, is her.”

“Sunny, please, slow down. Has Anastasia done an unsatisfactory job? Why must she be replaced?”

Anastasia must be the head designer on the account. Another name on the list.

“Is it because I refused to accommodate you on the imperceptible pockets?” Hollywell tried for a smile. “I might’ve been too hasty. Naturally, I can’t tell my employees they’re aiding in criminal activity but—”

“Whoa. Criminal activity?” Sunny got up, bearing down on him. “Who said anything about criminal activity, Vance? Those pockets are so that my family, staff, and friends can conceal legal, permitted weapons on them for self-defense. Why would you even say that word?” Sunny bent over his desk. “Are you recording this conversation? You wearing a wire, Hollywell?”

The man blanched so deeply he blended into his white desk chair. “No, sir,” he croaked. “Never. I didn’t mean— I don’t know why I said that. You and your family are upstanding members of the community. You’d never engage in anything criminal.”

He apologized five more times before Sunny sat down. It was wild seeing him in action. Only half an hour before I was asking how the Merchants controlled people with fear, and my demonstration came so soon. It was a subtle game of chess where the pieces on the board were your opponents. You had to know the right moves to navigate. Some people required a harsher touch, but others will cower without you laying a finger on them—fearing what you could do to them if you wanted.

But which approach will help me in the inevitable clash with Lyla Dawson? Assuming Vance really is so afraid of Sunny, he’ll hire the woman with an entire file on her.

“As I was saying,” Sunny went on. “Miss Anastasia has done fine work, but ever since Kenzie became a part of our little crew...” Sunny laced his fingers through mine, making it clear exactly what that meant. “Ever since then, she’s designed the most incredible outfits for us with some scraps of silk and one sewing machine. We can’t wait to see what she does with all of CH’s resources at her fingertips.”

Hollywell’s color came back, staring at me. So did his glare. “I understand, sir, but I cannot hire her. She was fired for the worst crime a designer can commit. Hiring her back will permanently taint our reputation.”

“Actually, it won’t,” I spoke up. “I already told you I was framed and fired for something I didn’t do. What? You don’t believe me.”
