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Turning back, I made out the room.

A bare mattress lay on the concrete floor beside a bucket and bottle of water. I wished there was more to mention because I wished there was more in the room. But there was nothing.

Four walls, a mattress, a bucket, and bottle were all my captors saw fit to give me. Tears welled imagining what kind of conditions my baby was holed up in with Luca’s crack whore.

I have to get out of here!

I lurched toward the door and fell flat on my front—an unbreakable force wrenching my leg out from under me. Twisting around, my dulled senses noted the weight around my ankle for the first time. I was chained to the wall.

“...back in business...”

My head snapped up. Voices echoed from the other side of the door, heralding heavy footsteps.

“...boss gets here...”

“Hello?” I called. “Hello! Let me out of here! Let me out!” The scream ripped out with all the pain, frustration, and helplessness that built in me—ripping through my soul harder than the bullets I put in another human being. “Let me out!”

The door banged open.

Tattoos, muscles, and a shaved head blew in fast, backing me up a step as he bore down. I stopped and held my ground, rising to the height of his oddly bent nose.

He grinned, flashing rows of crooked brown teeth. “Ah. Our newest treat. Aren’t you tasty?”

Ripples of disgust went up my spine. “For your own sake,” I rasped, “let me go.”

“For my own sake?” A deep chuckle rolled out of his chest. “And what will you do if I don’t?”

“It’s not me.” I gave him a grin to match. “It’s what’s coming for you.”

If anything, his smile widened. “I’d worry about yourself if I were you. We’re back in business, and in a few hours, your first client arrives. Fix yourself up.” He threw me at the water and bucket. “And remember, biters lose their teeth.” He flicked to the puddle of vomit. “Clean that up!”

Despair gripped me, springing tears to my eyes. How would Sunny find me? I didn’t know where I was or how long I’d been here. Gnawing hunger promised it’d been several hours since Luca captured me and kidnapped my baby.

Several hours.

Sunny, Liam, Bane. Where are you?


Bane and I climbed the steps of an abandoned bed-and-breakfast. Sienna followed on our heels.

She arrived as we cleared out of the shipping yard and refused to go back to the compound. She gave us one hour to bring her sister and niece home safely. Our time was up. She wasn’t going anywhere.

Fanning out around us, Liam, Ryker, my guys, and the Cardinals crept around the building—armed and converging on every door and window. No one would escape.

I frowned, closing over the doorknob. “It’s quiet.”

Bane nodded, raising his blade higher. “Too quiet. Open, then hold. It may be a trap.”

I agreed. We sprung the last trap and almost died in it. Saved only because the cavalry rode in on motorcycles.

Snyder had us. Him, Adams, Vito, and Grant. All of them working together to take the Merchants down, and in one move, they nearly wiped out the Savage Princes. This threat was more formidable than we knew.

And that pissed me the hell off.

I kicked the door, banging it off the inside wall. A darkened hallway greeted us.

We waited, holding for someone to shout, run out, point their guns at our skulls.


There wasn’t a sound from the depths of the inn.

“I’ll go in first—”

“We,” Bane corrected.

“We’ll go in first,” I amended. “Sienna, don’t move until we say it’s clear.”

She bobbed her head, face pale but determined. I had a lot of good things to say about the Blaine women. High on the list: they are strong.

Bane and I crept inside, weapons up and ready to fly. We stepped soundlessly on the floral carpet, taking in the cream wallpaper and dusty lamps.

“Using a hotel as cover for your sex slave ring,” Bane said. “Where have we heard that before?”

I grimaced. “We wiped out the Kings, but not their influence.”

“Did we wipe out the Kings?” Bane plastered himself against the wall, feeling around the corner for a light switch. It flicked on, illuminating an empty hallway. “Someone is behind what happened tonight and it wasn’t Grant or Snyder. We lost the chance to find out who with the bullet through the last brother, but a former King or their vengeful heir fits the profile.”

“I don’t know, man.” We split in the hall, reaching for opposite doors. “I’ve been wrong about everything so far. I’ve got to think. Put together the little Snyder revealed before his chest blew open.”

Cracking the door, I fell on more hideous carpet, a twin bed, dresser, and lamp. There was nothing and no one else inside.

“Once I have my girls back, we find this bitch.” I raised my voice. “Sienna, we’re clear.”
