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She blew in, heading straight for the stairs and bounding up.

“Wait!” My shout signaled everyone to pour in.

Racing after her, I stopped her throwing open a door and went in first.

My caution wasn’t necessary. There was no one in that room or in any of the others.

Laurel and Mackenzie weren’t here.



I ripped a strip off my shirt, wrapping it around the jagged plastic. Those fools looked at the bucket and saw a degrading toilet. That day they’d find out with one stomp, it became a weapon.

I crouched against the wall, as close to the door as the chains allowed me. The door would swing toward me, concealing me for a few precious seconds.

“...going on...” someone called.

“Take care of it!”

Jerking, I held the plastic tighter. Whoever that was sounded from the other side of my door.

Come on, I thought. Come back in here to taunt me with that key ring hanging off your hip. I got away once, I’ll do it again. Nothing will stop me from getting to Laurel.

“Where’s Marko?” someone shouted. “Get the—”


I jerked, hitting my shoulder against the wall. Something heavy hit the floor. The thud resounded through my bones and kicked off chaos.

Shouts, thundering footsteps, and thud, thud, thud covered my panting breaths.

“Ahh!” I scrambled back as a bullet pierced the plaster, striking inches from my feet. Climbing over the mattress, I pressed my back to the wall.

Horrible visions went through my head of rival gangs, vengeful johns, or police raids. Cops would detain and question me. They’d hold me back, wasting precious seconds while Laurel needed me. The other two groups... would do even worse.

Nothing and no one will stop me. I raised my sole protection as silence rang, broken only by creaking, approaching footfalls. I’m coming, baby girl.


The plastic slipped through my grip.

“Kenzie, are you here? Kenzie!”

“Sunny?” The rasp croaked out of my throat, barely above a whisper. It couldn’t be him. He couldn’t really be here. After wishing, praying, and hoping he’d come for me, his voice had to be a cruel joke. “Sunny, is that you?”

“Kenzie, I’m here.” The doorknob rattled. “I’m here, baby. Are you okay?”

Relief weakened my knees, dropping me on the threadbare mattress. He came for me. Tears leaked down my cheeks, revealing the soundless sobs that squeezed my chest. He promised, and he came.

“Kenzie? What’s wrong?” The knob rattled furiously. “Shit— Get this open!”

“I’ve got it.” That voice could only be Ryker.

“Kenzie, talk to me.”

“She... She t-took her,” I cried. “My baby. She took her, Sunny.” My head fell to my knees as the dam broke. The agony, the fear, the helplessness, and my failure claimed me, dragging me further than I’ve ever fallen. Laurel’s screams as she carried her away echoed in my ears. “She’s g-got Laurel. We have to get her back.”

“Someone took Laurel? Mrs. Bellisario”—the door swung open—“you know Super Stepdad would never let that happen.”

Laurel beamed at me from Sunny’s arms, waving her chubby fist. “Da.”

“Laurel?” Shaking, I clambered to my feet. “Laurel!” I ran to her and the chains held on to their prize.

“Whoa.” Ryker caught and stood me up. He bent to set me loose. “Makai, help me with these.”

I barely heard him, straining for my daughter. Sunny handed her to me, wrapping his arms around us both. I sobbed and wailed and kissed Laurel all over, unable to stop even as she squirmed and tried to tuck her head in the hollow of my throat. I just kissed all over her curls, relief almost dropping me on the floor again. I would’ve fallen, but Sunny held me up—strong, perfect, there for me.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I love you.” My nose buried in her sweet-smelling waves. “I love you so much.”

“Let’s go home,” Sunny whispered.

Makai and Ryker freed me, then fell in step, flanking the three of us on both sides as Sunny led me out. I held Laurel tighter, covering her eyes. Sunny had the presence of mind to have the bodies cleared away before he brought my baby inside, but the large smears of blood leading to closed doors told of where they went.

The dirty hole of a room they put me in was a clue this wasn’t a nice place, and still stepping into the hallway made me shudder. The once polished hardwood was splintered and rotting. Fist-sized holes dotted the peeling plaster under the flickering bulbs.

I jumped back as a door opened. Broad shoulders, blond locks, and piercing eyes came out, a sturdy pillar for the thin, shaking girl clinging to him. “You’re safe now,” Liam said. “We’re getting you out of here.”

Liam saw me and the smile shattering his stoic mask banished the chill from my bones. “Mackenzie.” Cupping the back of my head, Liam kissed my lips, smothering my gasp. “Are you okay?” His fingers stiffened. “Did they hurt you?”
