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Both theories made me want to punch her teeth in. Of course she’d have to get in line after Lyla and Damien.

“What’s this?” Lyla asked, eyeing the mannequins. “Who did these?”

“These are the newest additions to Anthony Johnson’s wardrobe. Just awaiting Vance’s seal of approval.”

Lyla scoffed. “I’d be shocked if you got it. Anthony’s always been the more adventurous of the Johnsons. He likes bold statements and unique designs, but he’s not trying to look like a freak. He’ll hate these,” she announced. “They’re too loud and cartoonish.”

Kenzie didn’t look up from her hem. “That’s funny because Anthony already said he loved them. He likes that my work is fun and playful, but still appropriate for the boardroom. Now if you’re done giving your unwanted opinion, leave the pad on my desk and go. Your boss is busy.”

It was me that saw it—attention fixed on her standing over Kenzie. Her knuckles turned white around the pen. Eyes flashing, she raised it the barest inch, angled to plunge it into Kenzie’s neck.


Jerking, the pen and sketchpad went flying. Lyla gaped at me eyes huge, knowing that we both knew what she was about to do. Without a word, she spun and slammed out the room.

“What was that about?”

Frowning, I climbed off the seat, staring at that pen. “Kenzie, are you sure you don’t know why Lyla hates you?”

“What? No. I mean, I guess it’s because I did better than her in school. She was always trying to show me up.”

“Did she say that was why?”

“No, and I’ve asked. She’d laugh in my face when I said it was because she was jealous of me. But if there’s another reason, she hasn’t come clean.”

“There’s another reason,” I said before she finished the sentence. “That girl was two seconds away from jamming a pen in your spinal cord.”

“What?!” Kenzie whirled around, gaping at the door. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. That was real hatred in her eyes, Kenz Benz. I’ve got a feeling it’s about more than you beating her at everything.” I reached out, helping Kenzie to her feet. “Lyla is still a junior designer, right? That means there is over thirty people above her and they have been for the months you’ve been gone. Why hasn’t Dawson gone after them with the same single-minded insanity?”

“I... I don’t know.”

I flashed her a serious look. “Whatever she’s got against you is personal. Big time. Don’t be alone with her and I mean it. I said I’d look out for you. I’m not about to tell my brothers you were killed because we underestimated that perfumed clone.” I stuck my head in the hallway, checking if it was clear. “Keep working. I’m going to get into the Closet this time. And see if I can get the scope on Lyla.”

“I’ll be here.”

I’d give Mackenzie credit. She said she wasn’t afraid of Lyla Dawson, and she didn’t sound it. She went back to work, actually picking up Dawson’s pad and flipping through the designs. Fair enough, the woman had many opportunities to kill her and didn’t take them, but I saw that look in her eyes.

Back then, Lyla and Mackenzie were on equal footing. Now the balance of power had shifted and Dawson was running out of options to take the woman she clearly hated down. I was not about to let her enact her revenge fantasy on my new friend.

Slipping out into the hall, I dashed a quick text to Sunny.

Me: What do you have on Lyla Dawson?

The reply buzzed me seconds away from stepping inside the elevator.

Sunny: Why? Is she the one planting the trackers?

Me: You got me back awfully fast. Are you in Rockchapel working or kicking back in your office with your feet up while Ryker and Makai do the actual work?

Sunny: Fuck you

My sweet baby bro’s standard response to me.

Sunny: I always respond quick when Angel’s involved. That woman hates her. I’m a cold bastard, but not even I would do the shit she did.

So Sunny knew too. Lyla Dawson may not be the Merchants’ enemy, but she was Blaine’s.

Who was I kidding? If she’s an enemy of Mackenzie, she’s our enemy too.

Me: Since you know this, I assume you’ve got her entire backstory. What’s her deal? Do you know why she set her sights on MB?

The elevator dinged on my floor. I stepped out but didn’t go anywhere, waiting for his reply.

Sunny: I’ll send you everything I’ve got. These are the highlights: Raised by a single mom who married rich when she was twelve. Wanted to be a designer all her life. Got busted for driving drunk when she was seventeen and Stepdaddy made it go away. Dawson and Angel did not grow up on the same street, live in the same borough, or go to the same school until college. Whatever happened between them started there.
