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“What is this place?”

“When I was five, Mom got on this kick about us all seeing the world outside of Cinco City. That’s how I crossed those places off my map,” Sunny said. “They never felt completely safe with us in school, so pulling us out and homeschooling on the road didn’t make my parents blink.

“This is the place my folks bought the seven months we lived in New York while my mom trained under chefs, and Papa Sinjin taught me to trail a target and lose a tail.”

In more than one way I was reminded of the different lives we lived. Another penthouse outfitted with all the luxuries, just sitting here empty waiting for a random day one of the Merchants would stop by. A private jet on the tarmac to whisk them to my side. Parents that were there for him every step of the way. I had a feeling it wasn’t just resentment toward the Merchants that burned inside the criminal underground. It was also envy.

“I’d like to meet your dad one day.”

“You will. My parents are already asking to meet you.”

I raised my head. “They are? They know about me?”

“Course they do. I’ve told them everything about you from your saving me to your coming acceptance of my proposal. Tricky spilled about her new best friends when she went to stay with them. Fuller beat me to the phone the day we got Laurel back.” He winked. “They know more about you than you know about them.”

My eyes went round. “Um, please do something about that before I meet them.”

“I will. You’re one of us now.”

Smiling, I hid my face in the pillow. That made me happier than I’d ever put into words. Being there with him made me happier than I could say. The only thing that would make it better was Liam, Bane, and River beside us—the men who risked everything to save me.

For twenty-three years, I could only say that about one person, and she was imprisoned for it. Now I’d have four men willing to do anything to protect me and my daughter.

I gazed at Laurel, watching her tiny chest rise and fall.

Because once again, I’m the victim that needs saving.

LAUREL BOUNCED ON MY lap during the plane ride, giggling at the funny faces Sienna made at her. I smoothed back her curls, reclining on the lounger seat with a glass of chilled apple cider by my side. I couldn’t help but think of the other women chained in those buildings. Did they have a life like this waiting for them? Or would they end up like I was a few months ago? Free from Luca, but still in the gutter.

“I have to find River when we get back,” I spoke up. “Make sure those women get the help, money, clothes—whatever they need to get back on their feet.”

“One thing at a time, sis.” She squeezed my hand. “First, you need to catch your breath. Then you can save the world.”

I cracked a smile. “Not the world, just our tiny corner of it.”

“Ba! Ba ga ba ba ba!”

Sienna bobbed her head seriously. “That’s what I’m trying to tell her, baby. You try.”

“Oh? Is my infant telling me I need to take a breath too?” I asked, amused.

“She’s saying she’ll recover from this. She won’t even remember it happened.” Her hand was still holding mine. “Right now, you need to focus on recovering.”

I clenched my teeth, gazing out the window. “I’m fine, Sienna. I’m recovered. It’s not like Luca”—I spat the name—“hasn’t done this to me before. The only thing different this time is he’ll never hurt me again.”

“This isn’t like last time,” she whispered. “Our Laurel wasn’t ripped away from you last time.”

“Sienna.” I pressed my lips tight, stopping their tremble. “Please, stop.”

“I’m not trying to push you. All I’m saying is don’t think you have to be strong and put on a face like everything’s fine. Break down if you need to. Cry, scream, or break something. Whatever helps you get through this, I’m here for you.”

I swiped a stray tear off my cheek, offering her a half-grin. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’re the big sister.”

She shrugged. “Big sister or little sister. The point is that we’ve got each other’s backs. That’s what sister means.”

“Especially the way we do it.”

Sunny left his seat and crossed the aisle to us. He kissed my cheek bending down. “We’re thirty minutes away. Do you want us to go straight back to the Fairfield or make a stop?”

“Make a stop?”

“I heard you say you wanted to see River.”

“Oh,” I said, brow smoothing out. “I do, but later this evening. I want to get Laurel home and settled. About security and the guards—”

“Every new hire was fired. We’re back with the crew that’s been with us for ten years and more. Nothing like this will ever happen again.”
