Page 42 of Until Him

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“Easy,” I repeat, my words brushing against his ear, and he finally sags into me.

“Logan…” I tilt my head so we’re eye to eye. “I wish I’d never met you,” he whispers, and I see the regret in those depths. “Nothing good will come of this.”

I lean forward an inch and press my lips to his.

“Only four more weeks, and then you’ll be rid of me,” I say, pulling back a little, giving him space. His fingers are no longer bruising my skin as he loosens them.

“I’ll be counting down the days.”

I step back a bit and he watches me warily.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, eyeing the floor.

I run a hand across my jaw and nod.“I’ll listen if you ever want to tell me your story, Theo.”

He shakes his head, his throat bobbing.

“Sometimes it helps to share it. To not hold it in.”

“And what would you know about it?”

I run my tongue over my teeth. “You’re not the only one with skeletons in that big-ass closet of yours.”

I turn and move toward the bed where my clothes are discarded on the ground. Curie is sitting on my shirt and refuses to move off of it. It’s revenge for accidentally smacking her with Theo’s shirt. I hold the hem and drag her around the floor for a minute before Theo snatches her up. He’s wearing that extra-large shirt again, and I eye his legs.

Fuck, I really like his legs.

“What are your skeletons?” he asks.

“How about…I’ll tell you when you’re ready to tell me.”

I mean, it’s only fair, I think as I button up my jeans and run a hand through my hair. I’m not going to open up to this asshole if he’s going to remain a mystery. I need a bargaining chip.

“Then I guess we’ll never know, will we,” he mutters, eyeing me warily.

“I guess,” I say, striding over to him and pressing my lips to his once more.

Because I can and because Iwantto.

Theo allows me entry. He even slides his tongue into my mouth for a second.

Then I’m striding out the apartment door, my mind reeling from everything we did together.

But more importantly…what is Theo hiding? And why does he hate the idea of me so much?



“Hey!”a voice calls from behind me.

I look over my shoulder and see Logan loping toward me, his curls slightly damp from the rain, his broad shoulders filling out his sweater so damn nicely. My hand clutches the umbrella I’m holding over my head and I inhale deeply.

I can do this.

But fuck, my lips tingle and my heart breaks a little at the sight of him. Our kiss still replays endlessly in my head—the best kiss of my life.

From him. Fucking Logan Lewis of all people.
