Page 10 of A Winter Wish

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The night of The Proposal is looming horribly near. Every time I think about it, I have an urge to book a flight to Egypt. Or Australia. Or anywhere...

With just two nights to go until the dreaded Friday foursome at The Larder, I’m busy dishing up spaghetti carbonara for Shaun and me, when Lois breezes in.

She peers at Shaun. ‘Your eyes are stunning. An amazing shade of green.’

‘Well, thanks.’ Shaun looks chuffed.

‘You should wax your eyebrows, though. Far too bushy. You look like you’ve had an accident with a bottle of Growmore.’

‘Don’t be so bloody cheeky!’ I gasp, while Shaun laughs.

Lois shrugs. ‘Rory’s going to be gettinghiseyebrows waxed.’

‘Is he?’ I frown at her doubtfully. That doesn’t seem like something the Rory I know would submit to willingly.

‘Yes. Why not? He’s going to look even more gorgeous with thepolishedlook.’

I stare at her, feeling mildly irritated on his behalf. Rory is lovely exactly as he is. ‘You said you liked rough and ready when you were going out with Ronnie. He didn’t shave for weeks on end.’

‘Yes, and I had the rash to prove it. No, I’ve made an appointment for Rory with my beautician. He’s going tolovethe results.’ Lois smiles like the cat that’s got the cream and the tuna fish as well.

‘And have you bothered totellRory?’ I snap. ‘About this eyebrow makeover?’

‘Not yet. It’s just a shame Mandy couldn’t fit him in until next week.’

‘Oh. Nextweek?’ My tone is loaded with sarcasm. ‘Oh, dear. What a disaster. So Rory will have shaggy eyebrows on Friday night? Are you sure you can bear to look at him, Lois? Don’t you think you should reschedule your proposal?’

‘Well, I did think about it.’

‘What?’ I shriek. ‘Youarejoking, aren’t you?’

She shrugs, looking a little sheepish. ‘Maybe I am. But I really can’t imagine why you’re getting your knickers in such a twist about it, Clara. Rory’s eyebrows are actually none of your business. He’s notyourboyfriend.’

Brought down to earth with a thump, I suddenly realise my hands have migrated to my hips in an indignant stance on Rory’s behalf. Quickly folding my arms instead, I glance awkwardly from Lois to Shaun and back again. Shaun’s looking quite bemused. I guess he’s not used to me getting overheated like that.

Warmth suffuses my cheeks. Perhaps itwasa bit of an overreaction. But it’s okay to feel aggrieved on behalf of afriend, isn’t it? (I really hope Rory puts his foot down and cancels that eyebrow appointment.)

‘I’ve never understood what’s wrong with telling people how it is,’ Lois is saying, rather defensively. ‘I mean, if you were to tell me my roots needed doing, for example, I would never take offence.’ She glares at me. ‘Go on, tell me my roots need doing!’

‘Er.’ I stare at her, confused. ‘But they don’t. You had them done last week.’

‘Yes, but the point is, if theydidneed doing, I’d just say, “Yes, you’re right, Clara. Thanks for reminding me”. And there would be absolutely no arguing or over-the-top shouting whatsoever.’

Now it’s my turn to feel sheepish. ‘I wasn’t shouting.’

‘Yes, you were. But it doesn’t matter becauseIdon’t take offence.’ She gives me a superior smile and walks out.

‘You okay?’ Shaun reaches out to me with a puzzled frown.

‘Yes.’ Smiling, I take his hand and sit down at the table beside him. ‘Sorry. Lois really rubs me up the wrong way sometimes.’

He grins. ‘I can see that. Not that I blame you. Your stepsister is quite– um–unique, isn’t she?’

‘That’s one way of putting it,’ I chuckle, as he leans over to kiss me.

‘I wish we didn’t have to go on Friday night,’ I murmur.
