Page 12 of A Winter Wish

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But more surprises were in store

When I felt that big, hard–

‘Loi-i-i-s?’ Bertie yells from the bottom of the stairs. ‘Can pageboys at a wedding wear dinosaur costumes?’

Lois looks at me and we start to laugh. (My chortling contains a good deal of relief at Bertie’s interruption. As romantic verses go, Lois’s love poem is clearly less Shakespeare and more Carry On Up The Allotment.)

Downstairs, we walk in on some fascinating prehistoric facts, related with a smile by Gran.

‘Listen, girls. Apparently, the biggest ever dinosaur was the Argentinosaurus, which was the length of four fire engines and as heavy as fifteen elephants. Imagine that!’

‘Seventeen elephants, Gran,’ corrects Bertie sternly.

‘Ah. Right.’

I exchange a smile with Shaun, who’s looking very handsome in his hired suit.

‘Right, are you ready, Clara?’ says Lois. ‘Rory’s picking us up, remember?’

I groan inwardly.

As if I could possibly forget...


The ivy-covered hotel Lois has chosen is charming.

Once a privately-owned manor house, deep in the countryside, it’s been given a modern facelift, costing millions, and I wouldn’t mind betting that the wedding packages on offer here will cost the equivalent of a luxury holiday abroad. Per head.

The restaurant is situated in an elegant modern extension to one side, with a sweeping verandah to the front. And as Rory parks his modest Fiesta in between a lean, mean Ferrari and a Range Rover as big as a double garage, I imagine the scene in summer– candlelit tables on the verandah, where diners can enjoy a glass of perfectly chilled champagne before wandering into the restaurant to enjoy Michelin-star dishes.

Lois is in her element in places like this.

Me? I always feel the tiniest bit awkward and out of place. Like Mr Carson might be hovering behind me, ready to reprimand me for using the wrong fork...

The happy couple walk ahead, hand in hand, Lois chatting away excitedly. And Shaun and I follow on behind, silently taking in our surroundings.

Rory points to the sky. ‘Look! Bats.’

‘Oh, yes,’ says Shaun, interestedly.

‘Where?’ shrieks Lois, cowering and grabbing Rory’s arm.

He chuckles. ‘It’s okay. They won’t attack you.’

‘No, but theymight. Accidentally.’

Fascinated, I stare at the night sky, and sure enough, I see them. Two dark shapes swooping around, high above our heads.

‘Wow. Aren’t they amazing?’ I gaze at them in awe. ‘I read somewhere that bats can live for up to thirty years.’

Rory turns, smiling. ‘They’re more closely related to humans than they are mice, apparently.’

‘What?’ shrieks Lois. ‘So you’re saying thatI’mrelated to abat? Don’t be so ridiculous.’

Rory just laughs, as if she’s joking, although I have a sneaky feeling she was being deadly serious. Lois and country creatures have never seen eye to eye.

Inside, while Rory chats to themaitre d’, Lois leans over and grabs my arm. ‘It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?’

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