Page 18 of A Winter Wish

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She’s really crabby with everyone, including Rory, who comes over most nights. He’ll be trying to cheer her up, making her favourite food and sitting with her on the sofa, watching all the crap TV she likes with such good humour, and laughing his head off only occasionally when it’s supposed to be serious. But does Lois appreciate it? Of course not. She takes him completely for granted, which gets me really angry on his behalf, and sometimes I feel like shaking her and saying, ‘Rory deserves better. If you don’t watch out, you’re going to lose him!’

With Irene holed up in her room most of the time, watching TV and working her way through another bottle of vodka, the occasional dinner with Shaun and days out with Bertie are my chance to escape the house.

Shaun is being brilliant. He knows all about the stresses at home and he senses I want to take things slowly. He’s being really patient with me. Not that I’d expect anything less from him. Shaun is such a lovely man.

As for Bertie, he’s been to more movies and fun parks in the past week than he has in his entire life and he’s loving it! It’s probably selfish of me, but it’s just sofreeingto drive off for the day with Bertie– and sometimes Luke as well– leaving Irene and Lois to fend for themselves. We’ve been all over, and I’m happy to report that Birdie– my little yellow car, named after the famous brand of custard– has been stepping up to the challenge admirably.

Tonight, Rory turns up with a surprise for Lois: a beautiful, sparkly shoe to replace the ‘ugly boot thing’.

It’s really pretty, covered in tiny pink flowers and hearts, with diamante ‘gems’ surrounding some of the hearts. Lois tries the boot on and it’s clear she loves it, declaring the old one is going on the bonfire! It’s amazing how a boot can turn someone’s life around– but it’s definitely a turning point. Lois is all sweetness and light again. She and Rory are madly in love.

And I find myself having to smile so hard, my cheeks ache...


It’s the following night, a Saturday, and I’m in bed, trying to sleep. But images of Lois with Rory are flooding my mind, making it hard to relax.

They went out for dinner tonight, for the first time since Lois fell off the verandah rail and broke her ankle. She looked stunning in her brand new, sparkly pink boot, matched with a short, silky dress in pinks and lilacs, her long blonde hair twisted up rather regally on top of her head. She texted me around midnight to say she’s staying over at Rory’s flat tonight, and her row of smiley wink emojis sent my imagination into overdrive.

I know she’s planning on proposing and getting it right next time, although she hasn’t told me when. But her text tonight makes me think that maybe she’s done it!

Has she asked Rory to marry her?

And if so, did he say yes?

Irene’s TV is off now so she must be asleep, and Bertie has been in bed for hours. But dropping off is impossible with so many questions racing through my head.

Should I be practising my happy smile and polishing my wedding planner shoes?

I’m just dozing off at last when a dog barks outside, shattering the silence, and my eyes spring open. The room is in darkness, except for the moon shining a finger of milky light through the gap in my curtains.

And then I hear it.

The faint tinkle of broken glass.

It sounded eerily close and I freeze, lifting my head slightly and straining to listen. But everything is silent again, so eventually I relax back onto the pillow. It must have been a passer-by, dropping something in the street outside.

But next second, my heart leaps into my mouth as I hear the unmistakeable sound of the front door being pushed open and soft footsteps in the hall.

Is it Lois? But why would she come back at this unearthly hour? Unless she and Rory have had an argument?

But I can hear whoever it is creeping around downstairs, barely making a sound, which makes me think it definitely can’t be Lois. Unless being engaged to Rory has turned her into Miss Considerate overnight.

But itmustbe her. Who else could it be?

My heart is hammering as I reach for my dressing-gown, pull it on and creep to the top of the stairs. All the time, I’m half-expecting Lois to jump out and scare me for a joke. But the hall is creepily dark and silent as I peer down.

And then, as I’m walking slowly down the stairs, holding tightly to the bannister... it all happens in a flash.

I spot the broken glass on the floor.

The glass panel next to the door has been shattered!

And as I stand there, rigid with fear, a figure dressed all in in black appears from the kitchen, pulls open the front door and slips out into the darkness.


The front door clicks shut and I slump down on the stairs, my heart pounding.

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