Page 25 of A Winter Wish

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‘That’s true. I could look for something smaller. But I need to finish my training as well.’ I shake my head sadly. ‘No, I’m afraid it’ll have to stay a pipe dream for now. Bertie’s my priority, anyway.’

I turn away sadly and Shaun walks me back to Birdie.

‘You’ll do it one day,’ he says. ‘You’re determined enough.’

I get in and wind down the window. ‘Thank you.’ I smile up at him.

‘What for?’

‘Cheering me up. That woman’s eyes were out on stalks when you mentioned the gold bars.’

He grins. ‘It was a good laugh.’ He leans in and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

I feel so much lighter on the car journey home. Thanks to Shaun...


When I walk into the house, Lois shouts through from the living room that the police have already been.

I put my head round the door. She’s lying on the sofa, watching TV. ‘Where’s Rory?’

‘Taking Elsie to dance class. She’s all excited about some dance thing she’s doing.’

‘Oh? Is it another show?’

‘No idea. I was hoping we could spend the day together, Rory and me, but apparently this dance thing is more important.’ She grimaces. ‘Kids.’

‘If it was somethingBertiewas keen on, you wouldn’t resent him doing it, would you?’

She stares at me. ‘No.’

‘So this “dance thing”, as you call it, is obviously important to Elsie,’ I snap. I feel really protective of Rory’s little sister, having introduced her to dance in the first place.

‘Whatever.’ Lois shrugs. ‘So anyway, I showed the police those weird dolls and they took a note of all the items that were stolen.’

I nod, still feeling annoyed at her. ‘Where’s your mum?’ I ask, leaning over the back of the sofa. ‘Wasn’t she here when the police arrived?’

Lois shakes her head. ‘She looked terrible. I think all of this has hit her quite hard. She said she needed to get out of the house... get some fresh air.’ She glances towards the hall. ‘That was an hour ago. The police arrived soon after she left.’

‘I hope she’s okay. Had she been... drinking?’

Lois gives a weary smile. ‘Who knows? She smells of alcohol all the time these days. But she swears she could stop drinking any time she wants.’ She looks up at me, appealing with her eyes. ‘Do you think that’s true, Clara?’

I sigh, wishing itweretrue but believing the very opposite. ‘I really don’t know.’

Hearing Irene’s key in the door, I straighten up. ‘Here she comes. I’ll put the kettle on.’

‘Good walk, Mum?’ calls Lois.

‘All right.’ Irene stands in the hall, removing her coat. She looks flushed-faced and sheepish, and I wonder if her ‘walk’ involved a trip to the pub.

‘The police have been,’ I tell her. ‘So hopefully, they’ll find the culprit and get your bracelet back.’

‘Yes. And I’ll get my bloody rings,’ barks Lois. ‘Honestly, if I ever get my hands on the scumbag who stole them, I’ll kill them with my bare hands.’

Irene stares at her for a moment, her chin wobbling as if she’s about to break down, and my heart goes out to her. The only time I’ve seen her this vulnerable is when Dad died. The break-in has obviously hit her really hard. Losing the beautiful bracelet he gave her is probably making her feel like she’s lost Dad all over again...

‘I’m going for a bath,’ she mumbles at last, and disappears upstairs.
