Page 26 of A Winter Wish

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Next morning, I’m walking along Sunnybrook High Street when I see two familiar faces.

Rory’s little sister, Elsie, and her new friend, Lauren.

The pair met at Zumba.

I wave, and Elsie smiles and waves back. She says something to Lauren and runs over. ‘Guess what, Clara? I’m doing an exam at the dance school and if I’m good enough, I’ll get a bronze medal.’

I smile happily at her. She’s a different child to the painfully shy little girl I first met, who would barely answer me when I tried to talk to her.

‘I’m so proud of you, Elsie.’ I give her a big hug. ‘Have you been practising hard?’

She nods, beaming up at me. ‘Lauren’s doing the same routine as me.’

‘Is she? So she might get a medal as well?’

She nods.

‘Fantastic. I’d love to see you dance some time.’

‘You can come and watch me next week!’

‘Can I?’

She nods, her face shining with excitement. ‘We’re allowed to invite people to come and watch us perform. Lauren’s mum and dad and her brother are coming.’ She spots someone over my shoulder and waves, and when I turn, it’s Rory.

At once, my stupid heart starts beating faster at the mere sight of him.

His eyes crinkle in a smile, seeing me with his sister, who he adores. ‘What mischief are you two planning, then?’ Casually, he nudges me.

‘Ooh, wouldn’t you like to know,’ I joke, as emotion swirls inside me at his touch, making me feel weirdly breathless.

‘Can Clara come and watch my dance exam?’ begs Elsie.

Rory looks at her, and I can instantly tell by his frozen smile that it might be a problem.

‘Please, Rory? Clara really wants to see me dance.Please?’ Elsie clasps her hands together in appeal.

‘Well... I’d love Clara to be there. But we’re only allowed to invite four people, remember?’ he says gently.

Elsie nods, counting on her fingers. ‘Mum, Dad, you and Clara.’

Rory looks down for a second. ‘What about Lois?’

The smile drops from Elsie’s face. ‘Lois doesn’t like me.’

‘What?’ Rory laughs. ‘Of course she does. Whatever gave you that idea?’

‘She laughed when I showed her my new tutu.’

He looks at her sadly. ‘Lois was surprised, that’s all, when you came in wearing it.’

Elsie looks doubtful. ‘I don’t think Lois wants to come and watch me dance. But Clara does. So can she? Can she come? Please?’

Rory drags a hand through his hair. He’s in such an awkward position here.

‘I’d love to be there, Elsie,’ I break in. ‘Of course I would. But so would Lois. Honestly, she would.’
