Page 31 of A Winter Wish

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‘Itistoo late. He... went with me when I pawned it and he took the money. It’s all gone, Clara. The money’s all gone. I don’t know how I’m going to get Lois’s rings back. He’s cleaned me out.’

‘What the hell’s going on?’ calls Lois from downstairs, and Irene glances up at me, a look of terrified alarm on her face.

‘Don’t tell Lois!’ she whispers. ‘About the blackmail.’

‘But...’ I stare at her, bewildered, as we listen to Lois slowly mounting the stairs.

‘I’ll tell her myself,’ she insists. ‘I have to. I should have told her a long time ago.’

Lois bursts in, alarm written across her face as she stares from me to Irene, who’s wiping away tears. ‘What on earth’s happened?’

Frozen with confusion, I glance at Irene for direction.

She fishes for a hanky and blows her nose, smiling at Lois through her tears. ‘I... guess I’m just feeling really emotional because Clara’s found my bracelet. And your rings.’

Lois relaxes. ‘I know. Isn’t it great? Mind you, if they ever find out who did it, I won’t be responsible for my actions. And that’s a promise.’

Irene’s face falls.

Before either of us can stop her, she scrambles off the bed and walks unsteadily from the room. Lois and I stare after her, hearing the click as she locks the bathroom door.


‘She won’t talk to me. She won’t tell me anything.’ Lois joins me in the kitchen a little while later, where I’m drinking a mug of tea I don’t really want. She sits down opposite. ‘What happened, Clara? Something must have happened. Because I’m having a bloody hard time trying to work out what the hell’s going on with Mum. I thought she’d be delighted to get her bracelet back. Why was she breaking her heart like that?’

I swallow hard. ‘Maybe it was as she said– she just felt really emotional, knowing she’ll get her bracelet back.’

I feel terrible not telling Lois the truth about the blackmailer, but Irene begged me not to. It’s down to her to explain to Lois what’s really going. I really wish I knew.

Lois sighs. ‘Perhaps you’re right. It’s probably the vodka making her more emotional than usual. When do you think we’ll get the jewellery back? Will the police be able to get it once we’ve told them where it is?’

I swallow, not knowing what to tell her. Irene can’t afford to get the jewellery back straight away, and she desperately doesn’t want Lois to know the truth, that it was she who pawned it, not the intruder.

My head is whirling with confusion. I’m caught in the middle. I hate having to lie, but what choice do I have?

‘I’ll sort it out,’ I say at last. ‘It might take a while for the police to get onto it. But I’ll set the process in motion and we should hopefully get your rings back before too long.’

‘Okay. Listen, I’ve got to go out.’ She stands up. ‘I said I’d meet Rory after his meeting and help him shop for clothes. He hates choosing things himself.’

‘Right. Is it stuff for work?’

She shakes her head. ‘He wants to get back into riding. So he needs jodhpurs... that kind of thing... I’ve no idea, really.’

‘You’d better get yourself kitted out if you’re going to keep him company. You haven’t been back to the stables since your first lesson whenwewent.’

She groans. ‘There’s a reason for that. It’s just not me, Clara. Getting all hot and sweaty and bum-sore– for what? Plus, the clothes are disgusting.’

‘Lois, you’d look stunning in jodhpurs. You know you would. Get yourself along there with him. Rory will love you forever if you get interested in his hobby.’

‘Erm, I don’t see why I should change who I am to please a man, do you?’

‘Well... you wouldn’t be changing who you are. You’d just be compromising for the sake of your relationship.’

‘Right. So if Shaun took up sky-diving, you’d be off parachute shopping, would you?’ She glares at me.

I laugh. ‘Er, no. But that’s because I’m scared of heights. Sky-diving is hardly a relaxing pastime that pretty much anyone could take up, like going for a gentle canter on a horse.’

‘What if I don’twantto go for a canter, gentle or otherwise?’
