Page 35 of A Winter Wish

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In spite of giving myself several stern lectures during the intervening days, I can’t help the little surge of happiness I feel when I wake extra early on Sunday morning.

It’s gardening day over at Gran’s. With Rory.

Even Bertie seems in high spirits over breakfast– I think because tomorrow is Hallowe’en, and he and Luke are dressing up for a party at their friend’s house later on.

‘So let me get this straight.’ I pour milk on Bertie’s cornflakes. ‘You’re going to the party dressed as a zombie in a bog?’

He hoots with laughter. ‘No! A bog is a toilet. I’m not goingdown the toilet!’

‘Well, that’s a relief.’ I smile at him. ‘A bog is also a swamp, you know.’

He nods, spooning in a big mouthful of cornflakes and milk. ‘I’m a swamp zombie.’

‘Ah. Right. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.’

‘Sorry. And Luke’s dressing up as a skellington.’

‘A skeleton, eh? Excellent.’

‘I think my costume’s more scarier than his.’

‘Well, I can’t wait to see you in it. But you’re both going to help with Gran’s garden first, though?’

He nods, picking up his bowl and drinking the last of the milk.


He grins sheepishly. ‘You’re always saying we shouldn’t waste food.’

I laugh loudly, leaning over to prod him in his ticklish area. ‘And you, matey, have an answer for everything.’

‘Are we going to Gran’s now?’

‘As soon as you’ve brushed your teeth.’

‘Okay.’ He jumps down from the table and hares upstairs, shouting back, ‘Rory wants me to help him with his lawnmower.’

‘When did you talk to Rory?’ I call, surprised.

‘He phones me sometimes to make sure I’m being good for you.’

‘Does he?’ My heart does a funny little jig at the thought.

‘He says I should look after you because you’re the best sister ever.’

Listening to Bertie running the tap in the bathroom, tears prick at my eyelids. But they’re happy ones. Thinking of Rory’s thoughtfulness and imagining him talking to Bertie about me is making me feel fluttery inside.

My two favourite boys.

But as my thoughts start to stray dangerously into yearning territory, I push them away, scrape back my chair and open the fridge to start making sandwiches for our lunch.


Gran’s going on a trip to Brighton today with Sylvia, her lovely husband Mick, and their friend Olga.

Olga is the grandmother of Katja, who also works at the Little Duck Pond Café, and I’ve seen Sylvia and Olga in action before, helping out in the café together when Ellie was temporarily short-staffed. Their banter is hilarious, so I know Gran will be laughing all day.
