Page 37 of A Winter Wish

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I laugh. ‘How would you spoil things?’

‘I’m not clued up on hot celebrity gossip for a start.’ He grins ‘And Lois reckons I don’t appreciate fine food. She’s totally right, of course. I’d rather have a big plate of pie and chips at the local pub than lots of perfectly arranged, bite-size courses, which obviously makes me a complete heathen. Plus, I’d want to talk about boring things like the offer I’ve put in to buy the stables.’ He gives a rueful shrug. ‘All of which makes me a less than desirable dinner companion. Especially at a five-star establishment like the one they’ll be going to tonight.’

I stare at him. ‘Whoa! Back up, back up. You’ve put in anoffer to buy the stables?’


‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

‘I’m telling you now. I only did it this morning. That’s why I was a little late coming over here.’

‘But that’samazing!’ I study him, my eyes shining with happiness. ‘I can’t believe it, Rory. You’re actually doing what you’ve always dreamed of doing. Oh my God, I’m sohappyfor you!’

He winces. ‘I hope I don’t regret it. Mum and Dad are investing with me. That’s the only reason I’ve got sufficient funds to make an offer.’

‘Oh, that’s so lovely of them... to help you out like that.’

‘I know. And knowing their money is at stake will make me work even harder to make the venture a success.’

‘But it will be. I know it will.’

He laughs. ‘Thank you for the vote of confidence, Clara. I’m gladsomeonethinks it’s a good idea.’

‘Is Lois okay with it?’ I screw up my eyes anxiously.

His smile vanishes. ‘Well... I’ve been talking about it all the time I’ve known her, but I think she was hoping it was just a pipe dream. She took it quite well, though, when I said I was going to make an offer. Better than I thought.’

‘That’s good.’

‘I know it’s not the best time, what with her falling out with her mum, but when the stables went up for sale, I knew it was the right thing to do. Especially when Mum and Dad offered to help. I couldn’t pass up such a brilliant opportunity.’

‘You’ll be able to talk Lois round. I’m sure you will.’

‘I hope so.’ He drags a hand through his hair, looking suddenly weary. ‘I really care about her, you know?’

‘Of course you do.’

‘Although obviously, we’re very different people.’

‘Opposites attract, though. I guess that’s you two.’

He gives a lopsided smile. ‘But maybe the stables is a step too far?’

‘If she loves you– and I know she does– she’ll want you to be happy.’

‘Let’s hope so.’ He studies me with a twinkle in his eyes. ‘You’re probably the only person– apart from my parents, of course– who don’t think I’m completely mad to consider giving up a lucrative career in the Law to talk to horses all day.’

‘Er, I think running busy stables will involve alittlemore than that,’ I point out with a wry smile.

‘So you don’t think it’s a stupid thing to do, Clara?’ The intensity in his eyes takes me by surprise. It really matters to him what I think...

I shake my head quickly. ‘Of course it’s not stupid. It’s the most wonderful, brave, perfect decision ever.’

He nods, visibly relaxing. ‘Because... you know, if you were to tell me I was out of my mind to do it, I’d listen to you. And I’d probably think twice.’

‘What? No, you wouldn’t.’

He shrugs. ‘I trust your judgement, Clara. We have the same attitude to life, you and I. It’s important to be doing something you love, even if it’s not going to make you a millionaire, and I know you agree with me.’ He brushes his hand over my shoulder, looking deeply into my eyes, and my body responds instantly to the contact, a quiver running along my arm and deep into the core of me.
