Page 38 of A Winter Wish

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My throat is bone dry as I stare up into his dark eyes, feeling the connection between us.

He smiles. ‘You’ll get that dance studio of yours one day, I’m sure of it.’


‘You will. And I’ll be there for you, Clara. I’ll help in any way I can.’

‘You can carry leaflets advertising my studio in your stables reception area, and I’ll do the same for you,’ I say lightly, only half-joking.

‘It’s a deal.’

We laugh, looking into each other’s eyes as my heart beats frantically. It’s so hard to tear my gaze away, and just for one wild, impossible moment, it really seems as if Rory can’t bear to break the connection, either. It feels as if there’s a lot more to say... as if we could talk all day about the things that really matter in life, and never get bored...

But that can’t happen.

It would be disloyal to Lois, somehow. I already feel bad talking about her to Rory when she’s not here to give her opinion. And Rory must think so, too, because next second, he clears his throat and looks away, his eyes skimming the garden.

Abruptly, he changes the subject and heads off to his car to collect some tools.

I watch him go for a moment, wondering what buying the stables will mean for his relationship with Lois. Because however she reacted initially when he told her, I know her only too well. She won’t be happy.

But it’s Rory’s life.

They’ve only been together for a couple of months. Not long enough to start making forever plans together. However much I might want the best for her, I’m so glad Rory’s not going to ditch his dreams just to keep Lois happy. Because in my opinion, that would be a compromise too far.

The trouble is, ever since she met Rory, Lois has been envisaging a glittering life in London for the two of them, with Rory ‘going places’ in his career.

My insides feel queasy with dread.

Poor Lois won’t be happy at all...


When I arrive home much later, after picking up Bertie from his Hallowe’en party, I’m surprised to find a familiar car parked on the driveway.

‘Yay!’ Bertie’s eyes light up at the sight of the old blue Fiat. ‘Lois is back.’

‘So she is.’

Bertie runs into the house, calling her name, while I follow a little more sedately, wondering what kind of a mood I’m going to find her in.

I can hear her chatting to Bertie upstairs in her room, and I immediately think of Irene. Has Lois spoken to her since she got back? Or are relations between them still at an impasse? I walk slowly upstairs to find out.

Lois and Bertie are poring over a website on her laptop when I knock and go in.

‘Rory’s going to have fields with lots of horses, Clara. Look!’ says Bertie excitedly.

‘Ooh.’ I go over and join them. ‘Rory mentioned he’d put in an offer for the stables.’

‘Did he?’ She turns to look at me. ‘And what do you think?’

‘Of Rory wanting to buy the stables?’

She nods, studying me closely, her lips pursed.

I swallow. ‘Well, it’s something he’s been talking about for a long time.’ I glance at her. She doesn’t look overjoyed at the prospect. ‘The chance to buy an established stables business like that doesn’t come up very often, so it’s a great opportunity for him.’ I point at the rather dilapidated farmhouse that’s included in the price. ‘You’ll be able to renovate the house and do it up exactly the way you want it.’

She gives a harsh laugh. ‘Er, you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself there, Clara. What if I don’t want to live there?’

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