Page 40 of A Winter Wish

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‘No, I’m not.’ He pinches her nose. ‘I’m going to carry you to the car and chauffeur you over to the bonfire and dance attendance on you all night. How does that sound?’

I only just manage to stop myself from groaning.

It sounds rather pathetic, if you want my opinion, Rory.

Stop pandering to her!

But I stay silent. It’s none of my business, after all. I only hope that on this occasion, Rory doesn’t give in to her demands that he stay here instead. Lois gets her own way far too often.

She heaves a dramatic sigh and gets up. ‘So you’re not bothered if I endanger my life by tripping over, falling on the bonfire and burning to death?’

He laughs. ‘Well, that’s hardly likely to happen. But I promise if it does you can haunt me forever.’

‘Not funny.’ Lois scowls and sits back down in her own chair.

‘Look, I’m not about to break my promise to Bertie and Luke,’ Rory murmurs. ‘I said I’d give them a Bonfire Night to remember and that’s what I’m going to do, okay?’

Lois shrugs sulkily. ‘Okay. But I want to stay over at yours tonight. You can make me food before you head off.’

‘Okay. But it’ll have to be beans on toast because I need to be over at Paula’s at six-thirty prompt.’

Lois looks less than pleased at the idea of this inferior menu.

But inside, I’m cheering.

You tell her, Rory! It’s about bloody time!


It’s a crisp, clear night, with a multitude of stars twinkling overhead– the perfect sort of evening to wrap up warmly and watch the crackling flames of a bonfire as the fierce heat warms our faces.

Bertie and Luke, all bundled up in hats and gloves, are loving the drama of the crackling fire and the blazing colours of the fireworks Rory is sending up– one after another– into the night sky.

Even Gran seems to be enjoying herself, and I’m so grateful to Rory for organising the night and providing us all with this lovely evening– distracting both Gran and me from the daunting prospect of her operation next month. We’re linking arms, ooh-ing and ah-ing at the fireworks, and thoroughly enjoying Bertie and Luke’s excitement– which is heightened by the fact that they’re both having a sleepover at Gran’s.

‘Look, Clara! Sparklers!’ calls Bertie, as he and Luke wave them around, making glowing trails in the air.

‘Wonderful. Are there any left for us?’

‘Yes. Loads. Rory’s got them.’

Rory, who was hunkering down to light another firework, straightens up and crunches over the frosty grass with the box of sparklers, as the bonfire crackles and spits nearby. ‘One each?’ He smiles at Gran and me.

‘Actually, I’ll pass, Rory,’ says Gran, resting her hand on his forearm. ‘Give some to Clara, though. I’m going to pop inside and make some hot chocolate to warm everyone up. And I’ll put some sausage rolls in the oven while I’m there.’ She smiles. ‘Those boys will no doubt be wanting a snack before I tuck them up for the night.’

I stare after her as she walks over the grass to the cottage.

Was it a trick of the light, or did she wink at me just then?


Later, after the boys have gone in for the sausage rolls, Rory and I sit on Gran’s wooden bench in front of the kitchen window, watching the flames of the bonfire die down and drinking our hot chocolate.

‘Thank you for tonight.’ I smile at him. My face feels frozen, and puffs of air emerge every time we speak, but we’re sitting close together for warmth, my thigh touching his, which of course means my head is completely scrambled and my body is experiencing all sorts of tingling sensations it really, really shouldn’t. But for once, I’m too relaxed to fight my feelings.

‘It’s... a shame Lois couldn’t have been here,’ I venture. ‘She’d have loved it, even though she’d have pretended not to.’

He nods. ‘I can’t believe she didn’t run a mile when I told her about the stables being up for sale. By the way, I’ve got some news on that score.’
