Page 71 of A Winter Wish

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She grins. ‘Be More Clara.’

I start to laugh. ‘Well, that’s very flattering, Lois, but I’m not exactly perfect myself.’

‘Yes, you are. Well, compared to me you are. You’re never bitchy or horrible about people behind their backs. You always see the best in people. And you’d never, ever lie just to save your own skin. You’re always completely honest with people but you’re kind with it.’

I look away, gripping my hands together, hit by a sudden stab of guilt.

You’d never lie just to save your own skin...

Wouldn’t I, Lois?

You really don’t know the half of it.

I’ve been lying to you all along about my feelings for Rory...

‘Hey, cheer up!’ She grins. ‘I’m complimenting you, so you’d better make the most of it.’

I manage a smile. ‘Sorry, it was just a shock, that’s all. But I guess there’s a first for everything– even compliments from you!’


I collect my new passport on Wednesday morning and apply for my visa, and by the time I turn up for my shift at the café in the afternoon, I’m feeling both nervous and excited at the thought of my trip to New York with Rory. But I still haven’t told Lois I’m not going alone, and it’s preying on my mind.

Bertie is home from school with a bad cold, so Lois is looking after him while I do this extra shift to help out Ellie, who’s found herself short-staffed today.

I’ve decided not to tell anyone else about the New York trip just in case someone lets slip to Gran what I’m up to. It would be terrible if Gran got her hopes up but then we were unsuccessful and returned home without having found Freda.

I’ve told Gran that I’m going to Manchester for a few days, to visit an old friend and do some Christmas shopping, and she wants Bertie to stay at hers while I’m away. Gran’s reaction to my news was to tell me it was about time I started doing nice things for myself.

I nodded and smiled, thinking to myself:If only you knew what I was really up to!

I keep getting really excited at the thought of finding Freda, and then telling myself not to build up my hopes too much. New York is a big place. And anyway, she could have moved away from the area altogether, in which case we’ll never be able to find her.

I’m trying not to think of the worst scenario of all, in which we’re too late...

I’m planning to tell Lois later about Rory offering to go with me, although I won’t say that Gran lured us both over to her cottage on the pretence of needing her Christmas decorations down from the loft. I’ll just say I bumped into Rory on the high street and we got talking, and he kindly offered to help me. It doesn’t sit easily with me, though, telling lies of any sort to Lois– even fibs that are ostensibly to protect her from being hurt any more than she already has been.

I’m busy clearing tables and working out in my mind how our conversation will go, when someone in the café suddenly shouts, ‘Look! It’s snowing!’

There’s a ripple of laughter as everyone stares out of the window. And sure enough, I can see snowflakes floating down, a breeze swirling them against the glass.

The atmosphere in the café seems mysteriously transformed by this happy event. I love snow and it seems that I’m not alone, judging by the sudden chatter and laughter going on around me. And then, as I’m standing for a moment, watching as the gathering flakes begin to lie on the village green, I’m suddenly aware of something else surprising– Lois, brushing snow from her hair, is marching towards the door of the café.

‘Hi!’ I smile at her. ‘What areyoudoing here? I can personally recommend the double chocolate brownies if you’re in the mood for something sweet.’

‘I haven’t come for brownies,’ she announces sharply. ‘I’d like you to tell me whatthisis.’ She slaps a photograph down on the table I’m busy clearing.

It’s the photo of Rory and me laughing our heads off in the photo booth.

‘I was putting some washing of mine in and I thought I’d do yours as well,’ says Lois coldly. ‘And when I checked the pockets, I foundthat. What the hell’s going on, Clara?’

I stare at the photo, feeling myself blushing.

‘Well?’ she demands. ‘I thought it was only teenagers who did cute things like that? Have you two been meeting up behind my back?’

With an effort, I pull myself together, summoning up what I hope is a casual smile. ‘I had to get a passport for my trip, remember? And I’d bumped into Rory on the high street and we were chatting, and I told him about Freda, and he actually offered to help me find her.’

She stares at me. ‘In NewYork?Rory?’
