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So, he was there. Just as I suspected.

“Hanie, listen. Don’t say anything just listen, okay?”


“There will be a good return on this project, and your share will not be inconsiderable.” I’ll make sure of it if it kills me. “There will be enough income for you and Henrietta to have a good life should you ever need it. Do you understand? You will always have options.”

She says nothing for minute. We understand each other and she knows I won’t press her to talk if she’s not ready. But she understands.

“Thank you,” she finally says, then her voice changes. “Lynsey was asking after you.”

Lynsey? My mind has to travel a long way back.

“Hal?” Her tone goes very soft. “She was a bit tearful when you didn’t send her anything for Valentine’s.”

“I am in the middle of a weird island with an old fashioned postal system.”

“What, they don’t sell cards and stamps?”

“It’s not really appropriate to send Valentine cards to an ex.”

“She sent you a gift and card to Mum’s address and Mum’s forwarded them to you.”

An itch starts at the back of my neck, and I have to rub my skin repeatedly then push my fingers through my hair and probably make it a mess. A small memory brushes the edges of my mind, Elodie’s habit of tugging on her hair when she’s thinking.

“You’re a bit quiet.” My sister nudges me.

“Mum never interferes in our personal lives, why is she getting chummy with my ex? To entice me back quickly? She wants me off the island so much, even if it means dragging on a relationship that’s going nowhere?”

“Why are you so suspicious? It’s just that we can both see she still loves you so we don’t want to cut all links. In case.”

“In case what? It’s over. You’re being cruel because you’re keeping Lynsey from moving on. Let her go.”

“I’m not interfering, but I know you, Hal. You give up too quickly. It scares me that you’ll end up alone. Sometimes you need to give people a second chance.”

That’s it, right there! Haneen’s failing. She’s too forgiving and always gives people a second chance. Which means, a second chance to hurt her.

After the call I go out into the garden and look over the horrendous tangle of briars and bind weed that go all the way down the hill. Discussing my psyche is as inviting as a walk through the thorns. I sigh, it’s not the first time I’ve been accused of being defensive or giving up too fast and not forgiving.

I’ve spent a month on the island, constantly watching for trouble that never came. Even Elodie LeFevre has been kind and friendly from the beginning. Yet I never saw what was right before my eyes because I’ve been too busy looking over my shoulder, expecting a knife in my back.

The moment I behaved normally and trusted people, I had fun and made three friends. Even Myles whom I suspected of being part of the anti-Hemingway party, turned out to be nothing more than a would-be love rival. As long as I don’t hit on ‘his girl’, I won’t make any enemies.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Grandad is delighted. He has shaved, combed his hair, and dressed in a clean shirt and a tweed blazer with leather elbow patches. Probably something his wife bought him back in 1971. Not for the first time a wave of love washes through me thinking how little cause he’s had to wear it.

Now, as Doris and I bring him into the shop he stops in front of the chair we prepared and looks around. His eyes travel over the stripped and painted floors, the bright ochre and magenta window frames, the gorgeous hexagons which we painted yellow, pink, purple and green, the baby pram lined with gold-damask and piled high with honey jars like amber jewels. I’ve also draped the fabric around the windows like scarves.

Will he approve of all this modern design, a million miles from his old traditional shop? He pulls towards the window and Doris takes him there so he can look out and see the front garden with the new sign which looks like a honeycomb withBEE WILDin cursive letters and a bee flying around the words.

“You did all this?” he asks at last.

“With help from everybody.”

“Oh girl, you’ve done me proud.” He turns around and Doris helps him to his chair.
