Page 1 of Covering Her Six

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Chapter One: Put a ring on it


I turn my hand this way and that, marveling at how the moonlight coming in through our bedroom window dances off my ring. I feel Aiden stir beside me and roll over. He kisses my shoulder, and chuckles. “You keep looking at it like it’s going to disappear.”

We only got to bed two hours ago, after our ‘surprise’ engagement party at the bar. Aiden was so sure I’d say yes, he got Liv to plan in advance. My cocky man. I laugh, and twist my head, seeking his mouth. He indulges me with a deep, searing kiss that makes my toes curl. When I pull back, I roll over to face him and rest my hand on his cheek. “I feel like it might,” I reply quietly, looking up at him from beneath my lashes. “It feels like a dream,” I admit. He wraps an arm around my waist and shifts me closer. “Are we really engaged?”

He smiles, and touches my nose, tracing his finger over my lips. “You said yes, so we must be.”

I let out a content sigh. My cheeks hurt from smiling all night. “I did say yes,” I breathe, sliding my hand up his bare arm to his nape. He leans closer and slants his mouth over mine, rolling us until he’s covering me. My legs go around his waist, and I use my toes to slip his boxer briefs down his legs. I’m wearing one of his shirts with nothing underneath, and he lifts it over my head, brushing my hair from my face.

His green eyes are iridescent and filled with a tangible happiness and excitement that pulses through us, around us. He’s also very aroused and that hits all my hot buttons. “Tell me what you want, Luna.” His voice is deep, and hoarse. I trace his hairline with my fingertip and give him the simplest and most obvious answer. “You,” I whisper. He slants his mouth over mine and I adjust my body to accommodate him, tucking my knees into his sides as he slowly enters me, burying himself to the hilt all at once. I savor the feel of our skin-to-skin contact, the exquisite way he stretches me. I am hopelessly in love with this man, and the way he loves me, it feels as though my heart is ready to burrow its way out of my chest and into his.

My hips lift with every upward thrust, my body aching for him in a way that’s different. I don’t know why, but it suddenly feels as though he is essential to my very existence. And it scares me, to be so open and vulnerable. Toneedsomeone again. But I trust Aiden. And I trust his intentions. I wouldn’t have agreed to be his wife if I didn’t. He bites my lip, swallowing my mewl, and I hook my arms around his broad shoulders, anchoring myself to him. He splays one hand on my lower back, and the other he hooks under my thigh, sending him deeper. I break our kiss to catch my breath, only to pant with every one of his movements.

He’s unhurried, and lazy, his hips moving at a punishingly slow pace, filling me over and over again. Driving me to the brink of insanity. I feel his lips on my neck, his tongue sliding across my fevered skin, and I arch my neck. He nips at my skin, sending goosebumps racing across my flesh. There’s something decadent about the way he touches me, reverent even. It heightens my senses until I’m wholly aware and consumed by everywhere we touch. His hot breath fans my skin, sending my body temperature through the roof along with my own irrevocable desire to have him over me, inside me, in every way possible. “God,” I whimper, trying to keep a hold of myself so that it’ll last. “Please,” I breathe. “Aiden.”

“Shhh…” He licks the shell of my ear. “I’ve got you.” His hand tightens around my thigh, his other hand lifting my butt off the bed, tiling my body just right. “Yes,” I whisper, biting my lip. “Like that.” Heat pools low in my belly, and my senses come alive, synapses firing every which way as Aiden drags my orgasm from me. My mouth falls open with a silent cry, my body locking around him, squeezing him. He stills, and our orgasms collide in an explosion of light, and warmth, and a delicious symphony of feelings.

I hold onto him for dear life, feeling everything imaginable while he comes inside me, his body rigid, muscles taut. His skin is damp, his scent intoxicating, and I’m dizzy with lust, a physical ache I’m afraid will only ever be calmed by him. He lets out a heavy breath, his chest moving in and out as he works to catch his breath. He peppers my neck with slow, drugging kisses, and then lifts his head. Where I expect to see ecstasy, I see a slight furrow to his brow.

“What?” I ask quietly, still catching my own breath, still coming down from an unimaginable high.

“We didn’t use a condom,” he says, his voice just as quiet. Oh. I didn’t even think about that. We’ve forgotten before, in our haste to get naked, and while we may have spoken briefly about a family — we want one someday — it’s not as though we’re in a hurry.

“I’m on the pill,” I remind him, moving my arm so I can rub away his frown. I smile up at him, and admit, “I think I like it this way, anyway.”

Nothing compares to the feel of him bare, and I’m afraid I’m already addicted to it now.

Aiden swallows and expels a breath. “We’ve spoken about kids, but…” He shakes his head. “If you get pregnant sooner?”

“Then so be it.” I kiss his nose. “Would it be the end of the world if it happened naturally, Aiden?” Worry starts to niggle at me, that maybe he’s not on board with having kids just yet, but he soon wipes it away when he tucks a strand of damp hair behind my ear, and replies, “I wouldn’t mind, no.”

“Neither would I,” I admit in a whisper. Am I hoping it will happen as a result of tonight? Not exactly. Would I be devastated if it did? Absolutely not. I want a family with this man, something I haven’t dared think much about until I fell in love with him. And he knows I tried everything in my power not to fall pregnant with my ex. I was open and honest with him when we had that particularly uncomfortable conversation. It was necessary before we took our relationship any further. But with Aiden? I can imagine all kinds of things I never had the luxury of imagining before I met him. Before he gave me a life of beautiful possibilities. A life I’ve only ever dreamed of having. After one last kiss, he rolls off me, and quickly hops off the bed, walking to the bathroom. He comes back with a wet, warm cloth, and wipes between my legs. It’s such a primal act, but I’ve learned Aiden has no shame with such things. It’s still new to me, and I try not to shy away from his tenderness, how he wants to take care of me in all the ways. He winks and strolls back to the bathroom to toss the cloth in the wash basket, giving me a nice view of his delectable ass. A sigh escapes my mouth, he’s beautiful and he’s mine. When he comes back, he settles into the mattress, and I curl into his side, my hand resting on his stomach. “We’ll have to speak to my parents tomorrow,” I tell him. “Are you ready for that?”

He turns his face towards me, looking at me with affection reserved for these quiet moments when we’re alone. “I already spoke to your dad.”

My brows lift in surprise. “What? When?”

He smiles at me. “The week I bought your ring. I know I haven’t met him in person, but it only felt right to introduce myself in some way and ask for his permission. I was relieved he knew about me,” he chuckles. His hand trails up and down my back, skimming over every bone in my spine. Making me shiver with delight and pleasure.

“Of course, my parents know about you,” I laugh. “I wouldn’t be able to hide you from them, even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. Mom noticed how happy I was,” I shrug, “and I told her I met someone.” I grin. “Did Dad give you a speech?”

“You mean thehurt my daughter and I’ll kill youspeech?” Aiden teases. “No. I think he knew he didn’t need to. I told him I know about Brantley, and what he did to you, and we bonded over all the ways we wanted to make the fucker pay for hurting you.” His teasing tone turns serious, and any trace of humor on my side dissipates. Telling Aiden about Brantley, and everything he put me through, was one of the hardest conversations I’ve ever had. I had to explain why the rental agreement Aiden gave me grief about the night we met was in my father’s name, why I had so much security on such a small property and why I had a safe full of cash and no credit cards to speak of. Aiden was furious by the time I was done, and if I hadn’t assured him that Brantley would be arrested if he ever came near me again, I was sure Aiden would have taken Jason and Devon with him to find Brantley and teach him a lesson. I hate the idea of him ever having to meet Brantley. I just can’t have that kind of Karma, justified or not. Aiden knows I want nothing more to move on with my life, and I have. I’ve found friends here, a home, and I’ve settled in a way I didn’t expect to so soon.

“Stop frowning like that Aiden.” I touch his brows. “It’s my past, and I can’t change it. I’d very much like to focus on the present though, and our future. Plan our wedding and talk about having a family. Those things make me happy. Not lingering on what can no longer be changed.”

He takes my hand and presses a kiss to my palm. “I know,” he murmurs. “I want us to focus on those things too. Any idea when you want to get married?” If Aiden had his way, we’d get married in courttomorrow.Of that, I am sure. I hum and give it some thought. “I wouldn’t mind a spring wedding, actually. That gives us enough time to plan, I think. Maybe April?” Springtime in Tallulah Falls, I’m told, is quite beautiful. “That gives us just over four months. Think you can wait that long?”

He quirks a brow, and turns on his side, tangling our legs together. “If that’s what you want,” he sighs. “I’m happy to give it to you. Just give me a date,” he kisses my nose, “and a time, “he kisses my cheek, “and I’ll meet you at the altar.”

I relax into him, enamored by how he dwarfs me, makes me feel petit but so very well taken care of. “I don’t want a big wedding,” I admit. “I did that already. I just want you, and me, and those closest to us. Nothing fancy either.” My first wedding was big, and garish and over-the-top and nothing at all like what I’d ever envisioned. But it was what Brantley’s mother wanted. And Dad had to foot the bill. Which reminds me. “I don’t want Dad paying for it either. I want something simple, and beautiful, and whatwecan afford.” Which was quite a lot, actually. Aiden and I are hardly paupers. I learned he’d made some rather wise investments after he left the Navy, and also owns the bar outright, along with the house we now share. Neither of us have any debt, my only obligation is to the bakery which I’m still renting. Aiden has offered to buy it for me, but we have yet to reach an agreement on that.

“We have time,” he reminds me. “You don’t have to plan it yourself, either. Wedohave a wedding planner in town, you know.”

I snort. “You mean Amber?” I roll my eyes. “No woman who has a crush on my future husband will be planning anything for us, let alone my wedding.”

Aiden scoffs. “She doesn’t have a crush on me, Luna. That’s silly.”
