Page 2 of Covering Her Six

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I lift a brow. “Really, Aiden? Is that why she goes bright pink every time you talk to her? Because shedoesn’thave a crush on you?” I shake my head. “It’s a hard no, Mr. West.”

He shrugs a big shoulder and gives me a sheepish smile. “I can’t help who has a crush on me,Mrs. West. The only person I care abouthaving a crush on isyou.”

My lips tilt up on the sides. “Say it again,” I murmur.


“You know what,” I whisper, sliding my hand into his hair.

“Mrs. West?”

I nod, smiling like the lovesick fool I am.

He presses his lips against mine, and in a low voice, says, “Mrs. West. Mrs. West. Mrs. West.” He pulls back to look at my face. “Happy?”

“Totally and completely,” I reply on an exhale, my eyes on his. The same happiness I feel bubbling up inside me is reflecting back at me in Aiden’s gaze. “I’m not ready to fall asleep yet,” I tell him, earning me another heart stopping smile that reveals his dimples. Weapons of ovarian destruction, as I’ve come to call them.

“Then we won’t,” he replies easily, playing with my hair. “You mentioned something earlier about telling your parents. How would you feel about spending Christmas with them?”

My eyes widen. “I’d love that, actually. It feels like forever since I last saw them.”

“Good, because I’ve booked tickets for us already, and made all the plans with your mom. We leave in a week.”

“What?” I gasp. “You didn’t!”

Aiden’s grin is wide, and I can tell he’s pretty pleased with himself. “Surprise?”

I wiggle on the bed and let out a delighted laugh. “You and your surprises! I can’t believe you did that!”

He shrugs as though it means nothing, when in reality, it means everything. “I know you haven’t seen them since you got here, Luna. You must miss them.” My mood sombers ever so slightly, and I swallow around an unexpected ball of emotion lodged in my throat. “I have missed them. It’s been hard being so far away from them when I was always a short drive away.” I cup his cheek and sneak a kiss. “And I think they’re going to love you.”

“Think so?” There’s a glimmer of uncertainty in Aiden’s eyes, and I want nothing more than to wipe it away. But it also tells me my parents’ opinion of him matters, that he wants to make a good impression on his future in-laws. I can’t fault him for that. In fact, it only endears him to me that he wants my parents to like him. And part of me already knows they will. Even if we went about things a little wrong. But in my defense, I wanted to be sure about Aiden, and any kind of future with him before getting my parents involved. I’m glad I waited. Now I really have something to look forward to.

“I love you,” I tell him emphatically. “And I know that will be enough for them. Besides, my parents are great.”

“Sounds like it,” he replies. “You might want to think about what you want to do with the bakery for that week we’re away.”

I purse my lips. “I’d rather not close it, if that’s what you mean. It’s the holidays, and my first Christmas with the bakery. Do you think Liv, and her friend, Kendra, will manage while we’re gone?”

Kendra is new to town, and a friend of Liv’s. Her family recently moved to town, and she’s transferring to Georgia Southern for her master’s in psychology. She needed a job for the holidays, and I’ve been so run off my feet, I offered her a job as a waitress. I still have to hire someone full-time, and I need to, but I’m also not rushing it. So far, I’m managing when Liv is at school, but it won’t be long before I’ll need some more permanent help.

“Liv should be fine,” Aiden replies easily. “She loves working at the bakery more then she loves working at the bar.” I snicker when he says the last part, as if he’s exasperated by his sister.

“Will she be okay on her own for Christmas?” I ask. “I’d hate for her to be alone.”

“She won’t be alone,” he replies. “We have the bar open on Christmas Day and more often than not, most of the people in town end up there for the afternoon. Liv’s been planning that every year, and she loves it. Ever the social butterfly, that one.” I’m relieved to hear Liv won’t be alone while we’re away.

“Maybe Jason can keep her company,” I tease lightly, knowing it’ll rile Auden up. He gives me a look, and I snort. “Don’t start, Luna.”

“Or what?” I challenge. “Will you spank me?”

Aiden’s eyes flare, and he rolls us over again. “You trying to get me worked up?”

I shrug, resting my arms around his neck. “Maybe,” I hedge. “But we should probably get some sleep. We’ll both be late for work tomorrow.”

“What’s the point of being the boss if you can’t bend the rules?” Aiden tosses back before sealing his mouth over mine. My heart sings in my chest. If this is a glimpse of forever, I can’t wait for us to start.

Chapter Two: Meet the parents
