Page 14 of Covering Her Six

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“Do you not remember anything?” Aiden asks, leaning over me. I wrap my fingers around his forearm at my side, the connection necessary.

I let out. Another breath, close my eyes. “I-I was alone at home,” I start. “And he came in.”

The memory assaults my mind, unearthing the events that landed me here. “He tried to kill me,” I say, my voice rough.

My eyes blink, blink, blink until my parents come into view, and I notice how Mom is silently crying into Dad’s chest, his expression hard.

“Can you tell us who it was, Luna? Do you remember?”

“Brantley,” I exhale. “It was Brantley.” My voice cracks, and I feel the tears well in my eyes. Aiden places the gentlest kiss on my forehead. “Good girl,” he whispers. I pull away, and I meet his gaze, so happy to see his beautiful face. I try to lift my other hand, and frown when it feels so heavy. I look down and notice the cast.

“You were hurt pretty badly,” Aiden says, and I can tell he’s trying to restrain himself, keep himself calm. He looks up at Mom and Dad. “I’m going to call the doctor.”

He straightens to leave, but I make a sound in my throat, and reach for his hand. “Don’t leave me. Please.”

Fear nips at the edge of my consciousness. “Okay,” he sighs.

“I’ll go,” Dad volunteers, kissing Mom on her head. “I’ll be right back.”

Mom shuffles closer to me, and I lean into her touch when her delicate hand frames my face. “How long have I been here?”

“Two days, sweetheart,” she replies hoarsely. “It’s Christmas.”

“I was out for two days?” It feels much longer. My body protests as I try to sit up, but Aiden shifts a few pillows behind my back, and I allow my body to sag into a more upright position. Dad walks into the room followed by a young doctor, who smiles when he sees me. “Miss Jones,” he greets. “I’m glad to see you’re awake.” He pulls my chart from the end of my bed and flips it open.

“Are you all right to discuss your injuries?” He asks.

I give him a nod and reach for Aiden’s hand. He gives me a reassuring squeeze.

“Your trachea is bruised,” he explains. “Which is consistent with strangulation, and your wrist is broken, which is why it’s in a cast.” As the doctor speaks, and lists off my injuries, the memory of how that injury came to be flashes in my mind. But I don’t say anything, not yet. “You suffered some blunt force trauma to your head, but we’re glad to report you didn’t have any swelling or bleeding on the brain as a result, that’s a good sign. The bleeding in your abdomen has stopped, which is also a good sign, and aside from a fractured rib, the trauma you sustained to your stomach didn’t result in anything too severe, like a lacerated kidney for example. And I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know your babies are fine, too.”

I freeze. “B-babies?” I look at Aiden, and his expression is soft. He nods and drops into the chair beside my bed. “You’re pregnant, Luna.”

Before I can formulate a reply, the doctor continues. “We’d like to keep you a little longer under observation, but I can’t see why you should have to stay past tomorrow.”

My parents give him an appreciative glance, and once he walks out, silence descends on the room. I can feel my pulse in my ears, and my eyes well with tears. “We’re having twins?” I look at Aiden, my hand trembling in his. He kisses the back of my hand. “We are.” He swallows and lets out a sigh. “Did you know?” I look between him and my parents and give a swift shake of my head. “No, I had no idea. Why? Did you think I kept it from you?”

When I look at my parents, Dad looks uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh, may have accused Aiden of proposingbecauseyou’re pregnant.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t know, Daddy. If I did, Aiden would know, and so would you and Mom.” My head is spinning with the news, and I can only imagine how shocked Aiden must have been. How shocked my parents must have been. God. What a way to find out you’re pregnant.

“Are we happy about this?” I ask the room, my gaze flitting between Aiden and my parents.

Mom brushes my hair from my face. “Of course, we are,” she says, her eyes damp. “But we’re just gladyou’re okay, sweetheart.” She looks to Aiden, and then my dad. “You and Aiden obviously need to talk, so we’ll give you some privacy.” She leans over and kisses my forehead.

“You’ll have to give a statement to the police,” Dad says quietly. “But when you’re ready, okay?”

I watch my parents walk out and swivel my head so I can look at Aiden, taking in how tired he looks. His hair is a mess, and he hasn’t shaved in what I can only assume is two days.

He gently lifts the blanket off me and splayed his palm over my belly. “I promise I didn’t know,” I whisper, and my voice cracks.

“I know, baby,” he replies. “It was just a shock to all of us, I think. I’m just happy you’re okay, Luna.”

“I know we’ve spoken about kids, but how do you feel about it happening so soon? Are you happy about it?”

Aiden’s gaze is soft, as is his smile. “I’ve had time to get used to the idea,” he replies. “But yes, honey, I’m happy. How do you feel about it?”

“I don’t know,” I admit. “It hasn’t sunk in yet. I’m notunhappyabout it, though. The timing could be better,” I admit, “ I would have preferred for us to be married, but we haven’t exactly taken every precautionnotto fall pregnant.” I shake my head and cover his hand with mine. “Dad give you a hard time when you found out? It looked like he felt bad about something.”
