Page 15 of Covering Her Six

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“It’s been a stressful two days,” he replies. “And he’s the one who found you, so emotions were running high when you were brought in. The last thing any of us expected was for the doctor to tell usthe babies are okay. Your dad wasn’t pleased at the time, but I don’t hold it against him. It was a shock for all of us.”

I exhale and relax into the bed. “I’m not having a hard time seeing you with our kids,” I murmur. “You’re going to make an amazing father, Aiden.” His brows knit, and if I could reach over to wipe away his frown, I would. “I’ve been thinking about that,” he confesses. “I should be more concerned about catching Brantley, but I’ve been preoccupied with the baby bomb.”

“The police will handle Brantley, Aiden.” I give him a look. “You need to stay out of it. Please.”

His eyes bore into mine, and because I know him so well, I ask, “What have you done?”

His gaze intensifies. “Whatever I must to protect my family, Luna. The cops here are on his fucking pay roll,” he hisses. “They won’t do a damn thing. But I can.”

I break out into a cold sweat just thinking about what he’s implying. He’s not wrong though. Most of the cops in town are on Brantley’s payroll, and they’ll protect him before they persecute him for what he’s done to me. I am, however, worried about the lengths Aiden will go to in the name of retribution. And the truth is, I can’t really stop him. I can ask him not to get involved, but Aiden, if he believes his actions are justifiable, will not hesitate to take matters into his own hands. And that worries me.

“Aiden, please let the authorities handle it, okay? That’s their job.”

He glowers, but I doubt it’s directed atme. “I can’t do nothing, Luna. Heattackedyou, in your parents house. He’s a rabid dog that needs to be put down”

“You need to understand the type of man you’re dealing with,” I reply, a plea in my voice. “He’s got all the right connections, he’ll get off with a slap on the wrist but if you’re caught doing something you shouldn’t, you’ll go to jail. Worse still, you’ll face martial law if you do anything to him. You still fall under the jurisdiction of the military, and they’ll strip you of your rank.” He might be ex-military, but Aiden is still a patriot at heart, and to be stripped of the rank he worked so hard for will devastate him. I know that. “I also won’t raise these babies alone if you land up in prison for doing something stupid,” I add quietly. “Don’t make me a single mother before our babies are even born.”

Aiden watches me for long minutes, and I watch his throat work with a swallow. He knows I have a point, even if he’s too stubborn to concede it.

He licks his lips, and at the moment, the only assurance I want from him is by way of a kiss. “I need you to trust me,” he says quietly. “I can’t let this go.”

“And I’m asking you to trustme,” I retort quickly. “I know him, and what he’s capable of, Aiden. There is no punishment for a man who is as well connected as he is. The DA will take one look atanycharges I press and toss it out the fucking window. But if you were to go after him? The consequences for you will be far worse.”

Aiden presses my palm to his stubbled cheek and expels a breath through his nose. “Okay,” he relents, and I let out a relieved breath. “I won’t do anything.”

The door to my hospital room opens, and behind my parents are two police officers.

“You up to giving a statement?” Dad asks. He’s irritated, I can see it in the set of his shoulders, and the rigidity of his stance. Mom remains quiet, but I take notice of her scowl. They’re not going to like it, what I have to say, but it’s best to get it over with so my family and I can move on. I nod, and the first police officer steps forward, asking me to start from the beginning, and leave nothing out. I pray my memory isn’t going to give out on me and leave room for doubt or speculation about the events that landed me in hospital to begin with. I recount the events as I remember them, with as much detail as possible. Aiden curses beside me and looks away. Dad looks furious, and Mom weeps quietly on my other side. the scary part about the recollection of this attack is how eerily similar it is to many that have come before it. Even the police officer’s expression is so much like every other officer who has had to take a statement from me. I know it’s fruitless, but when they ask me if I want to press charges, I sayyes.It won’t do anything, of that I am sure, but at least it’s another smear against Brantley’s reputation. Any more than that I can’t ask for. When they finally leave an hour later, I’m exhausted. The room is brought with unspoken tension, but no one tries to address it. And because I’ll forever be a peacemaker at heart, I ask my mom, “Why don’t you bring all the Christmas presents to the hospital? I don’t see why we should allow this to dampen our holiday cheer. Can we do that? Open presents and just pretend for a little while?”

Mom looks at Dad, who gives her a slight nod before she faces me. “We’ll bring them tonight during the next visiting hours.” She tries to smile, but it’s fragile. Brittle even, like she could crack at any moment. My heart lurches into my throat at the worried expressions being cast my way by the people I love, and I want to ease their suffering as much I want to ease my own.

“I’ll walk your parents out,” Aiden says. He stands, and when I take in his rumpled appearance, I come to the conclusion that he hasn’t left my side in two days.

“Why don’t you go home?” I suggest, even though I’m terrified to be alone . “Take a shower, have something to eat. I’m safe here.” The truth is, I could do with some alone time. I’m feeling grossly overwhelmed and could do with the quiet to wrap my head around, well, everything.

Aiden looks at me for a moment, and then Mom says, “She’s right, Aiden. You haven’t left the hospital at all; you need rest, too, honey.” Mom’s tone is imploring and filled with the care of a mother. A type of care Aiden is unaccustomed to.

Aiden wipes a hand down his face and it’s then that I really notice how tired he looks. And I hate it. “Please,” I whisper. “I know we still have a lot to talk about, but I need you to take care of yourself too. For me and the babies.”

“Okay.” He leans over, and I pull him down by his shirt. Pressing my lips to his. He rolls his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. “I thought I was going to lose you,” he admits quietly, and the admission leaves a crack in my chest. My big, strong man has almost been brought to his knees in the last two days, I can see it, the toll my attack has taken, and it hurts me.

“We might not be married,” I reply softly, “but you’re stuck with me, Aiden West. Till death do us part.” His gaze meets mine, and he gives me a slight tilt of his lips. “I’ll see you in a bit later.” He presses his lips to mine, however chaste it might be, and straightens before walking out of the room. Dad comes over, and kisses my forehead, whispering, “I’m so happy you’re okay, baby.” I give him a tired smile. “Love you, Daddy.” He clears his throat, and walks out behind Aiden, leaving my mom alone with me.

“My strong girl,” she murmurs, touching my cheek. “Get some rest, and we’ll see you later.” She too kisses my forehead, and my throat tightens. But only once I’m alone do I allow my own tears to fall. It’s a cathartic release of pent-up emotions, but I feel a lot better afterwards. When the tears have stopped, I feel my eyelids grow heavy and give in to the sleep pulling me under.

Chapter Nine: Two heartbeats


The nurse walks into the room, and smiles as she checks my chart. “I’m going to grab a wheelchair for you, Miss Jones. Your doctor has requested you be sent to the OB/GYN department for your ultrasound.”

“Does he think something’s wrong?” I ask.

“Not at all, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure, especially with what you’ve been through. I’ll be right back.” She’s hardly left the room when Aiden walks in looking freshly showered. Dressed in dark jeans, and a light blue button-down shirt with his puffer jacket, he looks every bit the sexy man I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with. He walks over to the side of the bed, and leans down, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. “I’m going for an ultrasound,” I tell him quietly. His brows knit in a frown. “Everything okay?”

“I think so. I feel fine, but I think the doctor wants to be sure before I’m discharged.”

He rubs the back of his neck, and I am about to say something when the nurse comes back with the wheelchair. I sit up, wincing from the sharp pain in my ribs.
