Page 21 of Covering Her Six

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And I don’t care if I’m saying it in a post-orgasmic bliss. It doesn’t make the statements any less true. I’m one lucky woman, to have this man love me, with my past, and my flaws. He turns his head, and licks his lips before rolling over, bringing us face-to-face. His hands go to my belly. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, what you’ll look like as your belly grows, and I must admit,” he smiles, and touches my lips, “it makes me crazy, to think of you growing our children.” I cover his hand with mine. “We’ll be good at it, right? Being parents?”

“We’ll make mistakes, I’m sure, but with you at my side, I feel like I can do anything, take on anything. You’re it for me.”

God. The things he says. “And in four days, you’ll be Mrs. West.” That makes me smile.

“I know it’s been a rough few days.” I let out a breath. “But I think I’d do it all over again if it means I get to end up right here. With you. And our twins.”

Aiden opens his mouth, but he’s cut off by the sound of his phone ringing downstairs. He kisses my nose, and quickly rolls away, slipping his jeans on. He disappears downstairs, and I’m inclined to follow. So, I slip his shirt over my head, and walk downstairs. Aiden’s on the phone, his expression contorted in a frown. He catches sight of me, and walks over to the living room, switching on the television. He nods at whoever’s on the other end, and flips to the evening news. I come to stand beside him, my heart climbing up my throat when I see what Aiden sees. It’s Brantley. And he’s been arrested for aggravated assault, five counts, in the state of New York.

“Yeah,” Aiden says quietly. ‘She’s here.” He looks at me. “Thanks, Detective.”

I knew this would happen; Aiden told me so. But seeing it is entirely different. I wept at the thought of Brantley being caught, but watching it play out on television on the evening news is quite different. I tuck myself into Aiden, and bury my head in his shoulder, allowing the tears of relief, tears for my younger self, fall freely.

“It’s over, Luna.” Aiden kisses the top of my head. “It’s finally over.”

Aiden switches the television off when the news is done, and lifts me up, allowing me to let out what I’ve kept so deeply buried. He carries me to bed and soothes me while I expel my entire past by way of crying. I cry for the innocent woman I used to be, the woman who lost so much to monster. And I cry from the relief of knowing I’ve found who and what I deserve.

Chapter Twelve: A Dream Life


It’s the day before New Year’s Eve, and I make the drive in Aiden’s pick-up to pick up my parents from the airport in Savannah, and have my dad drive us back to Tallulah Falls. I’m still struggling with fatigue, and while Aiden offered to make the drive with me, I know he has some things to take care of at the bar. His bar manager, Meg, has been running the bar while we’ve been away, but with our wedding happening tomorrow, Aiden had to show face.

“This place is so quaint,” Mom remarks from the back seat. She’s sitting in the back with Luther, who my parents decided to bring along.

“Gabby is excited to see you both,” I tell them. “She’s been chewing my ear off about it since yesterday.”

No joke. I asked her to be a bridesmaid, which was exciting enough, but she just about lost her mind when I not only let slip that I’m pregnant, but that my parents will be here for the wedding, and a few days afterwards. Aiden and I have agreed we’ll have a baby moon in a month or so rather than a honeymoon. Dad follows the GPS directions to our house and comes to a stop in the wide gravel driveway. I open the front yard gate for Luther and allow him to run wild since he’s been cooped up first in a plane, and then in the car for over an hour. Then I open the front door, and let Mom and Dad in. The kitchen is a bit of a mess with all my wedding stuff, as is the living room, but my parents don’t seem to mind. I show Dad the guest bedroom, and then go back downstairs. “Can I get you something to drink?” I ask them when we’re standing in the kitchen. Mom opts for coffee, and Dad opts for some freshly squeezed orange juice. I make space for them at the kitchen island, moving my magazines and notes to the coffee table in the living room. Mom holds her coffee mug, seated at the island, and gives Dad a cursory glance. They share a look.

“What?” I ask, looking between them.

Dad clears his throat. “We were going to ask if you saw the news last night.”

I let out a slow breath, and nod, leaning my hip against the counter. “I did, and before you ask, yes, Aiden and his friends had something to do with it.” I purse my lips. “He won’t get into any kind of trouble, though. Which is what I was worried about. Turns out therearepeople not on Brantley’s payroll, and five women who came forward with aggravated assault charges and one with attempted rape in New York. Aiden explained it all to me.”

I see Mom sigh in relief, and Dad’s shoulders drop and inch. “That’s good,” Mom says. “It’s about time he got what he deserved, the asshole.”


“What? I’m calling it like it is, Luna. And there’s something else your father and I want to talk to you about.” My belly tumbles with nerves as I look between my parents again. Dad rubs the back of his neck, breathing rather harshly. “We’ve decided to sell the house as soon as we get home,” he says, looking at Mom. She gives him an encouraging smile.

“What? Why?”

Mom looks up at me, and I see the pain in her teary eyes. “We can’t stand the thought of being in a place you were so badly hurt, Luna. I know we didn’t see it happen, but,” Mom looks at Dad, who nods, “Daddy has been having nightmares since he found you, and that’s no way for us to live.” My heart squeezes painfully inside my chest, guilt making it harder to breathe. I know it wasn’t my fault, but my parents have been living in the house my whole life. It’s where I grew up, learned to crawl, to walk, to play, to ride a bicycle. My parents made a family in that house, it’s as much their home as it is mine. Dad steps over and rests his arms around Mom’s shoulder. She’s emotional about it all, and I don’t blame her. “We also think it’s time to downsize, a little,” Dad adds. “We’re not getting any younger, Luna.”

Mom sniffles and reaches for a tissue in her bag. “Tell her the rest, Les.”

I look at my dad, who looks nervous. He clears his throat and looks from Mom to me. “Mom and I were talking, and we want to look for a place here, in Tallulah Falls or Savannah.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “Really?”

Dad nods. “We want to be closer to you and Aiden, and we want to be here for you through your pregnancy, too. Be here when the babies arrive.”

I feel my eyes grow wet. “T-that’d be amazing!”

“We think so,” Mom replies, a smile on her face. “Is the place next door still available?”

“I believe so, but we can contact the realtor and find out.” I round the kitchen island, and hug my mom first, and then my dad. “I’ll be so happy if you guys are closer.”
