Page 20 of Covering Her Six

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“Trust me,” I laugh, “We weren’t either.” My mood dips slightly. “And to think we could’ve lost them.” I rest my hand over my stomach, and Liv’s brows furrow. “Them?”

I huff out a laugh. “We’re having twins.” My eyes grow wet again. Fucking hormones. Liv slaps her hand over her mouth and does nothing to stem her tears. “Oh Shit, T-that’s amazing,” she cries. I fan my face and shake my head. “Talk about a miracle after a nightmare, right?”

“Are you guys happy about it?”

“We were shocked, but yes, Aiden and I are excited, if a little scared, you know? It’s been such a crazy few days, and I’m not making things easier by trying to plan a wedding in four days.”

“I’m here to help,” Liv says happily, rubbing her hands together. “What can I do?”

We dive into planning a small, intimate wedding with our nearest and dearest friends, opting for an outdoor venue as opposed to a church. Liv contacts the local florist, and orders some of their prettiest winter blooms for table decorations, and my bouquet. I make arrangements to have someone from a bridal boutique in Atlanta come to our house so I can try on some wedding gowns, and for Liv and Gabby to try on bridesmaids’ gowns. Then I make arrangements for Aiden, Jason, and Devon to have suit fittings from the same boutique which, thankfully, does suits too. Come late afternoon, we have a venue, flowers, and appointments for gowns and suits. With Liv’s help, I manage to cross quite a bit off my list.

Liv sits back and looks down at the notes and dates she’s written on a pad of paper. “I think that’s it,” she says, giving me a smile. She checks her phone. “I’d better get back to the bakery, I’ve left poor Kendra alone long enough.”

Which reminds me. “I need your help with one more thing, Liv. Can you put a help wanted ad in the paper so I can hire someone permanent to help me run the bakery? Preferably someone with experience in the kitchen.”

“I’m on it,” she replies, exhaling a breath. She stands and grabs her purse. “Is the baby thing still under wraps?”

“For now,” I reply. “I’d like to wait until the end of my first trimester before we announce it.” Though Aiden and I have yet to discuss when we want to tell people, I’d feel more comfortable if we wait, and I’m in what they call the safe zone. She nods and makes the motion to zip her lips. “Your secret is safe with me.”

I give her a hug, and walk her out, promising to stop by the bakery the next day. I shut the door and walk back into the kitchen. Aiden should be home soon-ish, and I’m feeling restless. So, I decide to make him some dinner. Roast chicken with a fresh green salad, and roast vegetables. Which he’s grateful for when he walks through the front door a few hours later. He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses me deeply. So deeply my toes curl. I rest my hands on his chest, one wrist still in a brace.

“Well Hello to you, too,” I sigh, looking into his eyes. He grins, and my heart flip-flops in my chest.

“How was your day?” He asks. “Liv stopped by the bar on her way to the bakery, and was excited about something, wouldn’t say what.”

“She helped me plan our wedding,” I reply. “And, uh, she kind of guessed I was pregnant, so…” I shrug.

“That explains a lot,” he chuckles. He lifts his nose. “Smells good in here. You make dinner?”

“Yes. I was in the mood for a proper homestyle meal. You hungry?” I turn and take some plates out the cabinet. “Starving,” he replies. He takes a seat at the kitchen island, a brow lifting when he sees the mess of magazines, and notes. “Wedding stuff,” I explain. “And maybe a few baby things, too. I was thinking about a nursery today.”

He hums, and I move some of the stuff aside, so we have space to eat.

“Liv’s not going to tell everyone, is she?”

“I asked her not to,” I reply, dishing up our food. My stomach grumbles in appreciation. “But wedding invites go out tomorrow, I’ll hand deliver them myself. I only have about twelve people on the guest list. Was there anyone else you wanted to invite?”

Aiden shakes his head. “We agreed our closest friends only. And your parents, obviously.”

I take a seat at the kitchen island, and Aiden takes the seat next to mine. I fill him in about my day, show him some of the wedding stuff. Then I show him what I have in mind for a nursery. “I know it’s a little premature,” I start. “But I just got so excited, and maybe a little carried away.”

He chuckles and wipes his mouth. Pushing his plate away. “That’s okay, it means you’re feeling better, too.”

I rinse our plates and put them in the dishwasher. Then I round the island and throw my arms around Aiden’s neck. “I’m actually feeling much better,” I tell him. “Must have something to do with being home.” He pivots on his chair, and pulls me between his legs, resting his hands on my lower back. “That makes me happy, Luna. You had a good day then?” I lean in and press a chaste kiss to his lips. “I had the best day, but it just got a whole lot better now that you’re here.” This time, when I lean in and kiss him, trace the seam of his lips with my tongue, satisfied when he groans. He pulls back, his gaze wary. “You heard the doctors, Luna. You’re still recovering.”

“So be gentle with me,” I whisper. “But I want you.” I lick my lips. “Please.”

He watches me for a moment, his gaze keen and aware. “We take it slow,” he murmurs. He stands, and gently lifts me, wrapping my legs around his waist. We kiss and kiss and kiss until he lowers me onto the bed and starts taking my clothes off. Not that I’m wearing much. I was home alone all day, so I opted for leggings, and a simple t-shirt. Which I’m divested of with deft movements. Aiden slips my panties down my legs, and steps back to unbutton his shirt, and remove his jeans. He steps out of his boxer briefs, and kneels on the bed, lowering his body over mine. I revel in the weight of him on top of me, the way he presses me into the mattress. His mouth comes over mine, and I arch my neck into the kiss, cupping his face.

I sigh into his mouth, feeling my ever-present desire for him simmering low in my belly. “I love you,” I murmur against his mouth, feeling his lips tilt up. It’s inconceivable to me how I can love someone so much. To need someone as much as I need Aiden. To exist. To breathe. I want and need him. His hard length lays heavy between us, and I raise my hips, desperate to feel him inside me. He reaches between us and slides his erection through the wet lips of my sex, and over my hypersensitive clit. I might have looked up sex during pregnancy, and needless to say,everythingwill feel more intense. And it makes me shiver in delicious anticipation. He presses the tip in, and slowly — painfully slow — fills me. Inch by inch until he’s buried and I’m full. I whimper, part pain and part pleasure. And I wince, my ribs protesting my rapid inhalations. I blink, blink, blink up at Aiden, my heart swelling at the sight of him.

“Okay?” He asks, his voice gruff. I swallow and wait for the discomfort to dissipate. I rest my chin on my chest, looking up at Aiden from beneath my lashes. “Perfect.” I smile, and rest my hands on his waist, tucking my feet behind his back. He rocks forward, and my breathing stutters. My body is hyper aware of his, where we connect and where we touch. I feel his ass flex beneath my feet, and I’m reminded of his powerful body, and how much restraint he’s able to show. He’s careful with me, in his touch and in his thrust, but it’s no less maddening, the way he takes me.

His strokes are measured, languid and slow. He kisses me, then trails his mouth down my neck, sucking on the delicate flesh over my collarbone. “Ohhh,” I exhale. “Aiden, please.” I’m already so close. My nipples are hard, my breasts heavy and sensitive. “Like that,” I whisper, shivering on a particular thrust. I blow out a breath, my heart hammering away in my chest. And the pleasure Aiden gives me far surpasses any pain or discomfort I might feel. He lifts his head, and reaches for my hand, the one that’s injured. He holds it between us, thrusting in and out. “Perfect,” he mutters, his breath fanning my face.

“I’m close,” he whispers next, rolling his forehead against mine. I take my free hand, and slip it between us, rubbing circles on my clit. “Yes,” I breathe with a nod. He rocks forward, and with a swivel of his hips, we crash over the precipice together. I arch off the bed and ignore the protection in my ribs in favor of the sweet tremor that racks my body. My orgasm washes over me in a succinct rush, and I feel Aiden’s body go rigid above me. Together we ride the wave and moments later, with hushed breath and sweat-damp skin, he’s kissing me, stealing the very breath in my lungs. His hands dive into my hair, and he holds my head in place as his tongue fucks my mouth, arousing me all over again. I’m breathless when we part, but so very sated. He pulls out of me, and rolls to his side, both of us working to catch our breath.

I twist my head and watch him. Watch his chest move up and down. “I can’t wait to marry you,” I exhale, rolling onto my side and into him. “And have these babies with you.”
