Page 27 of Loving Rush

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We stood in silence, apart from the wild banging of my heart in my ribcage. Surely, he could hear its beating and the lazy sound of insects buzzing among the flowers in the garden.

He hesitated a moment. "Usually, a kiss happens after the date," Rush began, his voice soft and sexy, a rumbling in a low pitch that made my stomach tighten and my knees press together.

How I wanted him to kiss me. “Maybe it’s better now. Later we might smell of garlic.” The words came out hoarse and needy. I probably sounded like an idiot.

Rush's lips curled into a devilish smile. "True." He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me against his hard body. We fit together nicely. His taut muscles aligned with my softness as though we were matching pieces of a puzzle.

"Well, then what are you waiting for?" I asked, desperate to feel his mouth on mine.

His lips brushed against mine, a light caress, and I sucked in a breath at the pleasure.

A soft growl escaped his throat as he clung to me, tilting my head with his hands so he could deepen our kiss.

I shifted forward, my hands pressing against the muscles along his back. The heat in my core intensified, and I parted my mouth further, letting him sweep inside, his tongue tangling with mine. An involuntary shiver rippled through me, and his arms tightened.

He tasted of mint and smelled of sandalwood with a hint of grease. My new favorite scent. Because it made me think of freedom and happiness and all the things this gorgeous man could do to my body. Heat rose along my neck and into my cheeks. I pulled back slightly, the sticky night air a welcome coolness between us.

He didn’t let me go, his nose resting against my cheek, our breaths mingling. Too soon, he released me. “How was that?" he asked, one side of his mouth lifted sexily.

My exhilaration escaped as a nervous giggle. “The best kiss of my life," I admitted, my hands stroking his face. I never wanted him to stop touching me.

"Is that so?" He gave me a touchingly sweet smile and pressed a kiss against my cheek. “Dinner?”

Dinner? Hell, that was the last thing I wanted. I wanted to find out where more dirty kisses like that would lead. But maybe the sidewalk at the end of Mother’s drive wasn’t the best place for that to happen.

“I am hungry," I said.

Not for food but for you,I didn't add, and then ducked my head to hide the heat of my thoughts on my cheeks.

Rush slipped his finger under my chin and lifted it, so our eyes met. "You have the most expressive eyes," he said as though he knew what I wanted. "No need to hide your needs and thoughts. Not from me. I want to see them all." He kissed my cheek, and I shivered.

"Okay," I said., my feelings pushing against the backs of my eyes like I might cry.

Something about his words made me grow, swell with independence. Could I be the woman who didn’t have to hide from the world to always feel safe? I looked into his ocean eyes, my thoughts spinning in my head. Yes, I definitely could.

A true gentleman, Rush helped me up onto the seat. Waited for me to get situated and then closed the door. I grinned like a crazy woman and did a little jig in my seat. This moment was a new beginning for me. I could feel it.

Once he slid into his seat and turned over the engine, he turned on the music, and we headed into town. He was quiet, concentrating on the traffic. When he was focused, he pinched his eyebrows together. I found the action sexy and couldn't help watching him more than the road.

"I love this song," I said after a few moments. It wasOpen Armsby Journey.

"You do?" A brilliant smile flashed across his face.

Damn, the man was hot.

"Is this one of the songs from your playlist?" I'd momentarily forgotten he'd said he would create one.

"Sure is," he said, and then his face became serious. “I hope you aren't going to let me down.”

I gasped, watching his luscious lips quirk up at the corners. “How’s that?” I asked, raising one of my eyebrows in confusion. Did he know I hadn't kissed someone before him? Probably.

“You ate like a champ yesterday at lunch. This is me hoping you do it again.” He glanced over, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh." I was relieved and laughed at that. “I’ll do my best.”

“Did you think I was talking about something else?"

I shook my head. "I was just confused, is all."
