Page 12 of Tank

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Alexandra patted Brewer’s broad shoulders.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep my man in check.”

Brewer snorted. “You wish.”

She hummed a laugh, delivering a teasing bite to his shoulder.

I turned away, shaking my head at their flirting. Well over a year into their relationship and they still acted like lovestruck teenagers.

After stepping out of the clubhouse, I hesitated with my thumb over the call button. Inviting Jules to the barbecue would be drawing her even deeper into this. I wondered if she really knew what she was getting into, or if she was too young and naïve to grasp the depth of trouble at play here, all because of her connection with me. I don’t know why I expected her to run, bracing myself for the moment when she would wake up and realize she was in over her head. She didn’t sound like she wanted to bail. But she didn’t know what MC life could be like.

When several minutes of deliberation had passed, I finally pressed the button and Jules’ phone started to ring.

“Hey, handsome,” Jules said.

I smiled to myself. “How are you holding up?”

“Siblings are still driving me crazy. Crow and Bear are…I mean, I guess they’re around, but I rarely see them.”

I nodded, satisfied with that answer. I didn’t want my MC brothers encroaching on Jules’ space. They were intimidating men. Crow was the Sergeant at Arms, well past fifty years old, with decades of experience under his belt when it came to breaking bones. Bear had years of professional wrestling, cage fighting, and bare knuckle street fighting under his belt, and he was built like it, too.

“That’s good,” I said. “It means Lars hasn’t come back.”

Jules settled into silence. Then she spoke very quietly.

“You and me…are we okay?”

I stifled a heavy sigh. “I’m not leaving you, if that’s what you’re asking. But I do wonder when you’ll wake up and realize you could settle for someone a little more…”

“Boring?” Jules offered.

“I was going to say normal.”

“Well, I’ve tried the boring and the normal and I hated it. I like you, Tank. A lot. And if I didn’t think you were worth the trouble, I would have bolted already.”

I bowed my head, pressing the phone to my chest for a moment. My heart warmed at Jules’ words. I truly felt like I’d won the lottery with this woman. Pressing the phone to my ear again, I replied, “I’m glad to hear that.”

A small, distant voice echoed in the background.

“Are you talking to your boyfriend? Are you going to marry him and have lots of babies?”

Jules growled. “Just a second.”

I chuckled at the rustle of fabric as she muffled her phone, then her scolding tone as she told her sibling to leave.

“Okay, I’m back,” she said. “Sorry about that.”

“You have the patience of a saint,” I replied.

Jules huffed. “Trust me, I don’t.”

“How many siblings do you have?”

“Four. Calvin, Amelia, Jayden, and Katelyn.”

I tipped my head back to look up at the stars winking themselves awake above me.

Are you going to marry him and have lots of babies?

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