Page 13 of Tank

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If I was honest, there was a tug in my gut that I hoped Jules was mine forever. Tucked away in the back of my mind was a fantasy of her in my apartment, a baby sleeping soundly in her arms, with two toddlers rambling around my feet as I cooked breakfast.

But I kept that fantasy to myself for now. Jules had enough to worry about. She didn’t need me jumping the gun too fast and spooking her with thoughts of weddings and babies.

“How would you feel about escaping for a few hours?” I offered.

“God, yes, please,” Jules replied in a rush.

I laughed. “There’s a barbecue this weekend with my club. I know everything is…a little on edge right now, so it’s completely understandable if you’re not up for a party.”

“I’d love to come.”

“Saturday. Seven o’clock. I’ll pick you up.”

I could hear the smile lifting Jules’ voice when she said, “If you make it six-thirty, we could continue where we left off with those kissing plans.”

“I like the sound of that.”

Chapter Six


Tank had barely pulled to a stop in the greenhouse parking lot before I flung my arms around his neck. He caught me against his chest, one warm, broad hand splayed wide across my lower back. Briefly, he laughed against my mouth when I kissed him. Until I moaned and he fisted his hand in my hair, pressing my lips open with his tongue.

Damn, I’d missed him. Missed being kissed like this until my body hummed with desire and I couldn’t think straight. It had only been a few days away from him, but I felt like I’d been starving without his hands on me.

Tank broke away and I gulped in air.

“Hello to you, too,” he said.

I smiled, slipping my hands inside his jacket. His body heat radiated through the thin fabric of his shirt and I could feel every firm ridge of muscle.

“I should apologize in advance,” I said.

Tank frowned slightly. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to be a very clingy girlfriend all night long.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up in that devastating grin that made butterflies swirl in my stomach.

“You never have to apologize for that, sweetheart.” He thumbed at the strap of the insulated bag looped over my shoulder. “What do you have squirreled away in there?”

I unzipped it and let him look inside.

“Strawberries and cherries,” I said. “Freshly picked this morning.”

“You didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”

I shrugged. “I know, but I want to make a good impression on your club.”

Tank blew out a breath of disbelief and took my hand, pressing a kiss into my palm.

“That’s something you never have to worry about, babe. I promise. You can put those in the saddlebags if you want.”

Tank helped me stow my bag of fruit in one of his black leather saddlebags. Then I retrieved the helmet strapped to the back seat of his bike and climbed on behind him.

“Let’s go. Before my siblings see you and start to swarm.”

Tank laughed. He revved the engine and rolled onto the highway. I snuggled against his back and let the wind and the open road sweep us away.
