Page 14 of Crow

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I cradled her chin in my hand and kissed her, licking at her lower lip until she opened her mouth for me and I slid my tongue inside. Dani draped her arms around my neck, pressing her breasts against my chest. I needed to get that t-shirt off her and finally feel her skin against mine.

Hooking my hands behind her knees, I scooped her up in one smooth motion. Dani squeaked in surprise then laughed against my mouth. I guided her legs around my waist, my hands cupping her bare ass.

“Apartment?” I asked between one kiss and the next.

Dani directed me down the hallway to her door. I hesitated on the threshold for a moment. There was no going back from this, for either of us. Were we ready for that?

As if reading my thoughts, Dani curved her hand around the back of my neck in a reassuring gesture. She brushed a sweet kiss to my cheek. Then another kiss to the corner of my mouth before she dragged her gaze up to meet mine again. Her pupils were pitch black with desire.

“Please, Crow,” she whispered. “I want to do this. With you.”

That was all she needed to say to obliterate the last of my self-control completely.

Chapter Six


Clinging to Crow, my stomach was in knots with anticipation and my legs were still shaky from the orgasm he’d given me a minute ago. My first orgasm. The feel of his thick, calloused fingers expertly stroking me higher and higher had turned me into putty in his hands instantly.

Now he was carrying me to my bedroom and the reality of what that meant washed over me. I’d never felt like this in someone else’s presence before - safe, desired, sexy. It was all happening so fast but I didn’t want it to slow down. Now that I’d tasted Crow’s mouth against mine, felt his fingers inside me, I craved even more.

Setting me on the edge of the bed, Crow pressed another searing kiss to my lips that stole my breath away. I never thought kissing could be like this - so all-consuming and dizzying. I couldn’t believe I’d waited twenty-one years of my life to do it. But I also knew there was no way I would have liked to do it with anyone else except Crow.

He straightened to a standing position, skimming his knuckles against my cheek. The only illumination in my room came from the street light outside, muted by my blinds. I could just make out the lines of Crow’s face, his profile half hidden in shadows. The darkness amplified every touch, every brush of skin against skin.

Crow’s hand fell away from me as he stripped off his leather vest. My fingers dropped to his worn belt and I set to work on his buckle. When he stripped off his shirt, my gaze flicked up to his torso. He was nothing but hard, lean muscle. A few scars marred his chest and stomach. Gingerly, I traced each one with my fingertips.

Then Crow guided my hand back to his belt. I swallowed hard as I tugged his belt open, unzipped his fly.

“Jesus,” I whispered at the sight of his cock, wishing I had blazing light to really get a good glimpse of him. Even in the near-dark, he was impressive - long and thick, curving toward his stomach. I reached up to touch the proud red crown then pulled back at the last second, unsure.

Crow coaxed my fingers around his cock. The hardness shocked me at first, followed by the velvet smoothness of his skin.

“That’s what you do to me,” he said. “Every time I look at you, I have to fight this.”

“Me?” I whispered in disbelief.

Crow didn’t say anything and simply gazed at me, his eyes cast in shadow, but his arousal was clear as day. Acting on instinct, I swept my thumb over the head of his cock. He let out a low groan, deep and soft, pushing his hips forward into my grip.

A thrill shot through me that I could draw such perfect sounds from a man who was so gruff, serious, and over twice my age. Feeling bold, I leaned forward and licked along the length of Crow’s cock.

His eyes closed. “Fuck,” he whispered, his breath shaky. “Wrap your lips around me, baby.”

Without hesitating, I obeyed, closing my mouth around the head of his cock. I was surprised at the weight of him on my tongue with a slightly salty taste I didn’t mind. I felt Crow’s knees shudder and I wiggled forward on the bed, taking even more of him into my mouth. He swept my hair aside and held it out of the way as I worked. I wanted to swallow all of him but I couldn’t do more than a few inches, no matter how hard I tried.

Eventually, Crow quietly told me to stop and I pulled off of his cock with a wet pop. I glanced up at him, concerned. Had I done something wrong?

Then Crow pushed me back against the mattress, sliding my shirt off. When the cool air hit my naked body, caressing the stickiness between my thighs, a sudden burst of self-consciousness took over. I moved to cross my arms over my breasts but he caught my wrists and shook his head.

“Don’t cover up, Dani,” he said. “Let me look at you.”

He moved my arms aside, his gaze sweeping over me. Heat spread across my face. I’d never been looked at like this before - as if Crow wanted to devour me. I was torn between wanting more and shying away at how intense the feeling was.

He kicked off his boots and his jeans before climbing over me. The feel of his body covering mine, filling my senses with his body heat, the scent of his skin, the weight of his hands gliding over me was enough to banish my anxiety. I looped my arms around his middle, pulling him down on top of me.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” Crow murmured with his face buried in my neck.

Shivers rippled down my spine at how good it felt to be touched by him, his lips warm and soft and hungry against my skin. Crow kissed his way down my body, his hands cradling my waist, his mouth between my breasts.
