Page 27 of Basilisk

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Chapter 15


It was late Sunday afternoon, and I was still pissed.

Most people would assume it was my ego that was still pissed, but it wasn’t. While I’ve never had a girl leave me high and dry in bed before, this wasn’t about my ego. This was about Hastings sneaking off after I’d made it clear what was between us now.

I also couldn’t deny how right she had felt in my bed. Most of my conquests happened at their place, and if not, hotels were aplenty in Serenity Springs. I’ve never brought a girl back to my place before because this was my sanctuary. The only girl who has ever spent the night here has been Kincaid, and she had her own room here. That wasn’t anything that was public knowledge, but she did. I didn’t have any roommates, and even if I did, my condo had three bedrooms, so there’d still be room for Kincaid.

Plus, even if Hastings hadn’t heard a word that I’d said last night, I’d kept her up until three this fucking morning. You’d think just sheer exhaustion would have kept her in my bed until noon. Lord knows that I had struggled to get up at a decent hour today.

When we had walked out of the bathroom together, everyone’s eyes had been on us. Even with the music blaring, anyone who had been near the kitchen or service restroom had heard us behind that bathroom door. Hastings hadn’t made an effort to be quiet and neither had I.

There’d been smirks, stares, smiles, and narrowed eyed, but I hadn’t cared about any of it. Making sure Hastings’ hand had been in mine, I had escorted her from the party, making sure that anyone who’d been paying attention could see the obvious affection that I was showing her. Normally, I worked on being discrete, but Hastings had become my girlfriend in that bathroom, whether she had realized it or not.

A knock on my door had me setting my phone down. Drummond’s parties were always lighting up social media the next day, so I’d wanted to check and see if there’d been anything on there about me and Hastings. So far, there’d been nothing negative. However, I suspected that might have something to do with my last name. No one wanted to piss me off, and that went double for the fact that I’ve been hanging around Fox, Stone, and Ross. It was one thing to piss me off, quite another to piss off all four of us.

Opening the door, Kincaid stood on the other side, one of her raven brows arched in question.

I rolled my eyes, then let her in.

After shutting the door behind her, I asked, “Do you want anything to eat, drink?” While it might be a bit too early for dinner, Kincaid was a snacker. Most of the snacks in my house were hers.

“Is it too early for a beer?”

This time, I arched a brow. “It’s never too early for a beer.”

“There are anonymous groups all over the world who would disagree with that statement,” she countered.

“Good thing we’re not members of any of those groups,” I tossed back before following her into the kitchen.

I grabbed two beers, twisted the cap off hers, then handed it to her before leaning back against the counter. Kincaid made herself comfortable at the kitchen bar, taking a nice, long, healthy drink of her cold beer.

This should be interesting.

“So, are you here because of Hastings or Fox?” I asked, getting right to the point.

Kincaid’s back straightened, and I knew it wasn’t because I had mentioned Hastings. “Nothing happened,” she replied. “He just took me home.”

“Kincaid, you can’t keep ignoring him,” I told her, though it wasn’t anything that she didn’t already know.

“It’s been working fine so far,” she argued.

“That was because you guys hadn’t been thrown together like you have been now,” I pointed out. “He was pissed last night, Kincaid. Whatever reason he’d gone to Drummond’s party for, it no longer mattered when I told him you were there.”

“That’s not my problem, Saxton,” she replied. “Fox Harrington is not my problem.”

“But he is,” I fired back. “And that’s the problem. You’re refusing to acknowledge that he could be a problem, Kincaid. Do you seriously think he’s just going to fade away quietly? It’s been three years, and he’s still pissed at you. If you don’t make allowances for him, shit is going to go south quickly.”

“Look, I’m not stupid, Saxton.” She took a deep breath. “While we didn’t talk much last night, it wasn’t hard to figure out my next move.”

“Which is?”

“As long as I don’t…entertain anyone else, I think Fox will be appeased enough not to push things too far or hard.”

I scoffed.

