Page 28 of Basilisk

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This girl wasn’t stupid, but I think her feelings for Fox were clouding her judgement.

“You’re delusional,” I said. “You still see him as the guy who used to adore you, Kincaid. He’s no longer that guy. He’s the guy whose heart you broke. He’s the guy whose been nursing some serious resentment for three years. He’s the guy who is bitter, pissed off, and wants answers.”

“So, what would you have me do, Saxton?” she snapped. “It’s too late to back out now. It’s too late to stop this. I’ve signed the contracts.”

I walked over and sat down next to her. I grabbed her face in my hands, and I wasn’t sure what I was fighting for right now, I just knew that I was fighting for her. “I am with you all the way, Kincaid. You know this. That being said, there is nothing wrong with changing your mind.” She was about to tell me to go get fucked, I was sure of it, but I slapped a hand over her mouth. “I’ll never think less of you if you choose happiness. Apollo would never think less of you if you chose happiness.”

Her eyes narrowed, and I was one second away from her biting my hand off, so I quickly let pulled my hand back. “I am choosing happiness,” she lied.

Ignoring her lies, I said, “I am with you, no matter what, Kincaid.” Making sure my eyes held hers, I repeated my vow. “I am with you, no matter what.” She threw herself at me, and I held her for the longest time.

Kincaid reminded me of a CIA operative. She was determined, focused, brilliant, capable, and deadly. However, she was also alone. Apart from our friendship, she had no close friends. She had no one else that she loved besides me and her parents. She was like a lone soldier, not caring about anything but her mission. She was also cold enough to dismiss the casualties of her inner-war, and fox Harrington happened to be one of them.

When she finally pulled away, she said, “Tell me about Hastings.”

I decided to let her change the subject. “I’ve liked her for a while.”

Her brows furrowed. “And why didn’t I know about that?”

I shrugged as I leaned back a bit. “She’s your roommate. I didn’t want to complicate things,” I explained. “Plus, we had the whole initiation to get through.”

“So, what happens now?”

“What did she say?”

Kincaid shook her head. “Nope,” she popped off. “I’m going to tell you like I told her, I’m Switzerland when it comes to whatever is going on between you two.”

“Switzerland, really?”

Her shoulders sagged a bit. “Okay, maybe not Switzerland, but I’m minding my own business on this.” As much as she cared about Hastings, I knew she’d always pick me if it came down to it.

“She spent the night at my place last night,” I finally told her, even though I knew she already knew this.

"So I heard,” she teased.

“Yeah, well, once we have a little talk, she’ll be my girlfriend,” I told her.

“Plan on storming the castle?”

“Not today,” I admitted. “I need to…figure some shit out first.”

Her brows rose. “What shit?”

“I’m trying to calm down, Kincaid,” I admitted. “If I go over to her now, it’s going to get ugly.”

Kincaid grinned. “You really are a caveman underneath all your calm demeanor.”

“All men are,” I informed her. “Don’t kid yourself.”

She didn’t say anything for a long time, but finally she asked, “Is it just me or does it seem like things keep getting…muddier?”

I thought about that, and she wasn’t wrong. “Nope, it’s not just you.”

“What a mess,” she grumbled.

I had nothing to argue against that.
