Page 41 of Basilisk

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Chapter 22


Last night had been fun, not that I didn’t think it wouldn’t be, but still. Having met and spoken to Rylee, I knew we’d get along fine, but Alexis Wyatt’s invite to Kincaid’s little girls’ night had surprised me a bit. I mean, I knew that she knew Alexis, but I hadn’t realized that they had actually become friends. It’d been a bit of a surprise, but a good one. Alexis had turned out to be pleasant enough, and the night had been fun and entertaining.

I had also gotten tons of shit over the hickeys that decorated my neck, and those stupid pictures that Saxton had posted. Most of them had been normal couple pictures and selfies, but the one that showcased my hickeys had been rather bold. Not to mention, the fucker has captioned the picture with ‘Hastings Voss; has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?’. After that, I’d had to turn off my notifications because the comments had been never-ending. Most of them had been positive and happy, but there’d been a few jealous tarts who had made their opinions known.

Now it was Thursday morning, and Saxton had two morning classes that he’d already left for. My first class was an afternoon one, and Kincaid had just come home from her one morning class. Once I left for my class, I wouldn’t see her until later this evening, and my anxiety couldn’t wait that long.

So, disregarding privacy on all levels, I barged into her bedroom. “Sorry!” I cried.

“No problem,” she laughed. “But can I finish changing?”

“Getting sexy for someone?” I teased as I sat on her bed.

She rolled those black eyes of hers. “No, dork,” she retorted. “I spilled some coffee on my shirt earlier. I’m not trying to look dirty and homeless for my next class.”

I just grinned as she swapped one shirt out for another, and I really did envy her curves. “Christ, you’re a sexy siren,” I sighed. “I wish I had your body.”

Kincaid scoffed. “Puhlease, you have a great body. Nice and tight up top with a smack-worthy ass. I bet guys love that shit.”

“Not as much as they love that hourglass thing you got going on,” I countered. “I mean, just look at you. If I batted for the other team, I’d totally stalk you.”

She smoothed down her shirt, then threw me a grin. “If I batted for the other team, I’d totally let you.” Then the wench threw me a saucy wink.

“Alas, I don’t bat for the other team,” I sighed dramatically.

Kincaid sat down next to me on her bed. “No,” she agreed. “You bat for the Saxton team from what I hear.”

I groaned, but I couldn’t contain the smile that spread across my face. “Am I stupid, Kincaid?” I asked. “I mean, I know he’s your best friend, and you’ve already proclaimed Switzerland status, but…I really, really, really like him, Kincaid. Like…really like him.”

“And why does that make you feel like you’re stupid?” she asked, but not unkindly.

“Because he’s too good to be true,” I answered honestly. “This is Saxton Voss that we’re talking about, and…it all feels kind of overwhelming.”

She grabbed my leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “First of all, while he might be Saxton Voss, you’re Hastings Martin,” she said. “You bring just as much star power to your relationship as he does, so don’t forget that. I get that those butterflies have the capability to blind us sometimes, but you’re Hastings Martin. Remember that and own that.” I nodded. She was right. I wasn’t useless or simple. “Second of all, I’ve known Saxton since we were in the second grade and believe me when I tell you that the dude is not too good to be true. While he is one of the best, and I’d die and kill for him, he can be an annoying little shit, too. He’s not perfect, Hastings. Don’t make him out to be. There have been plenty of times in our lives where I’ve socked the snot out of him because he was getting on my damn nerves.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that. Even when she was trying to put Saxton in his place, there was no mistaking her love for him. I do believe she’d die or kill for him. It was also a good thing that I wasn’t the type of girl to resent what Saxton had with Kincaid. Sure, it helped that she and I were friends and got along, but I still would never put Saxton in a position to have to choose between us. Besides, if I ever did some low-level crap like that, something told me that he would choose her. That same something also told me that Kincaid would probably murder me if I ever did that to him.

So, that brought me to my other concern.

“Can I ask you something?”

She nodded. “Sure.”

“Are you really okay with me dating your best friend?” I asked. “I mean, are you really sure?”

Her features softened, and it still surprised me how this girl could be so vicious and caring at the same time. “Hastings, you’re my roommate for a reason,” she started out. “You’re good people, and I trust you completely. If I had any reservations about you, we wouldn’t have lasted as roommates as long as we have, and we sure as hell never would have become such good friends.” Kincaid reached out and squeezed my arm. “Honestly, I can’t think of a better person for Saxton. Now that you’re past stumbling over his good look-” I laughed at that because it was so true. “-you’re strong enough to challenge him. You’re interesting enough to keep him entertained. And you’re smart enough to understand him.”

“I just…you guys are so close, and I just don’t want to…tip any scales,” I told her.

“Well, let me ask you something.” I nodded for her to go ahead. “Are you sure you’re okay with me being his best friend?”

I gasped.

Honestly gasped.

