Page 51 of Basilisk

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“What the fuck is going on?” Fox practically roared. “There’s something more than August Remington going on here, and I want to know what the fuck it is.”

Kincaid crossed her arms, then stubbornly sat back down. She looked mutinous, and I wasn’t sure if I was up for this. My entire body hurt, and that included my head.

However, before I could say anything, Saxton was taking control. “Look, one battle at a time, okay?” No one said anything, so I took that as a collective agreement. When he looked over at me, she said, “Hastings, what we’re about to tell you is…going to sound a bit unorthodox, but it’s the truth. Understand?” I nodded. “It’s also very important that you understand that what we’re about to tell you falls under the strictest of confidence.”

“You can’t discuss or repeat anything we tell you here tonight, Hastings,” Stone added. “The consequences would be detrimental to us all.”

“Maybe I don’t want to know,” I muttered.

“You don’t have a choice,” Kincaid said, her voice back to being kind and concerned. “The fact that you were attacked changes everything, Hastings.”

I looked over at Saxton. “I…I’m not sure that I want to know, but you can trust me,” I told him. “I promise I won’t say a word.”

Then I sat, quiet, my ears open, as Saxton went on to tell me the craziest thing that I have ever heard in my life.

I mean, seriously crazy.

There was all this talk about being chosen, preparations, supporters, initiations, favors, tattoos, confidentiality agreements, and all sort of other stuff that didn’t go on in real life. However, when Ross, Stone, and Fox began adding their two cents, I realized that this wasn’t all just a figment of insane imagination all wound up in Saxton’s head.

This shit was real.

There was really a network of powerful men who were part of an organization that helped ruled the world, and I was dating one of them. It sounded like a plot to a movie that I wasn’t even sure I’d be interested in seeing.

When they guys were done telling me all about The Order of the Cronus, and what they did and were capable of, I glanced over at Kincaid. “Are you a member?”

She shook her head. “No,” she answered, and that surprised me. If anyone could rule the world, it’d be Kincaid Black. “Only men are allowed to become members. I’m Saxton’s supporter.” Before I could get offended on the behalf of women everywhere, she added, “But Rylee’s a member.”

“How?” I could feel my head spinning with that news.

Instead of Kincaid answering, Stone filled me in on the differences between a Hera contract and a Circe contract, and how the relationship between a sponsor and supporter worked. So, if I was understanding all this correctly, Rylee Lexington was more powerful in this organization than Kincaid Black was, and that made no fucking sense.

“I’m so confused,” I muttered.

“The important thing is that you don’t say anything, Hastings,” Saxton said. “We’re breaking all kinds of rules by telling you.”

My shoulders sagged with exhaustion. “Of course, I’m not going to say anything. I wouldn’t do that to you guys.” I let out an unladylike snort. “Even if this all sounds crazy.”

“How about we let you rest and give you some time to…absorb all this?” Kincaid suggested. “It’s going to be a long few days, honey.”

“How so?”

“We’re going to be spending all our time trying to keep Saxton from murdering August on the street,” Ross huffed.

“Not that we’re opposed to killing him, mind you,” Fox added.


Saxton walked over to my bed, leaned over, then kissed the top of my head. “Don’t listen to them, baby. I have it all under control.”

I looked up at him. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because he’s lying,” Kincaid answered unhelpfully.
