Page 52 of Basilisk

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Chapter 27


We were all at Kincaid’s because she wasn’t leaving me out of her sight.

Not that I blamed her.

Hastings was asleep in her bedroom, passed out from the pain meds the hospital had sent her home with. They had wanted to keep her admitted for a couple of days, but after Kincaid’s little snip of honesty, Hastings had insisted on coming home. Her plan was to make me cater to her, so that I’d be too busy to go out and kill that sonofabitch Remington.

So, now we were all gathered in the living room, Rylee and Sutton also in attendance. If August was escalating to actually attacking the girls now, then they needed to know that.

“We really fucked this one up,” Ross muttered, running his hands through that blonde hair of his.

“That’s not fair,” Rylee remarked graciously. “How was anyone supposed to know that he’d go after Hastings like that?”

“Yeah, as far as we knew, Rylee was still the target,” Sutton agreed. “I never would have guessed it. Sure, he’d had some words for me, but the guy never attacked me.”

“So, what set him off about Hastings?” Fox asked in general.

“It had to be the pictures I posted,” I replied. “Sure, he knew who Hastings was before we got together…I mean, who didn’t? She’s Hastings Martin.” Even though she wasn’t as rich or powerful as we all were, she was still up there. “It had to be the pictures.”

“Wanna know what I think?” Kincaid asked.

Stone, Rylee, Ross, and Sutton had taken up the couch while I had taken one of the armchairs adjacent to the couch, and I was facing Fox who had taken the other armchair. Kincaid had chosen to sit on the coffee table, though she was sitting on my side.

“What’s that, babe?”

“Christ, will you stop calling her that,” Fox bit out. “It’s confusing as hell. Plus, you have a girlfriend now. How does she feel about you calling another girl babe?”

I needed a good laugh, so just to needle the asshole, I said, “Well, since she’s heard me call Kincaid that ever since we first met, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t care.” He shot me a look that would level a lesser man. “Still, you can ask her when she wakes up.”

“Can we get back to my opinion, please?” Kincaid asked dramatically, looking around at all of us.

Everyone else wisely kept their mouths shut, but Fox was a glutton for punishment. “By all means, Your Highness,” he drawled out.

“Oh, fuck you, Harrington,” she fired back. “If you’re not here to help with the situation, then just leave.”

Fox stood up from his seat, and I knew it wasn’t to leave. “If you want to get real about this situation, this shit has nothing to do with you, Black. You’re nothing but a supporter. This shit with August is way above your pay grade.”

Kincaid jumped up off the table. “You sonofa-”

“That’s enough,” I snapped, standing up. “That’s my girlfriend who’s beaten all to hell in the bedroom. Can we get back to the issue at hand? Your guys’ little fucked-up foreplay isn’t helping anyone.”

Kincaid whirled on me. “Are you kidding me right now?”


“Oh, for fuck’s sakes,” Fox barked, but still sat his ass down.

“Tell us what you were thinking, Kincaid,” Rylee said, trying to defuse the situation.

Kincaid narrowed her eyes at me, but she let Rylee steer the conversation anyway. Taking her time, she sat back down, then said, “I think he’s panicking.”

“About what?” Ross asked.

“When this all started, it was Stone against him,” she began. “All he had to do was get Rylee away from Stone before he actually married her, and he managed to do it.”

