Page 35 of Sphinx

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Chapter 19


As much as my mind and body had wanted to fuck Kincaid all day long, reality had made it an impossibility. Unless you were a conditioned porn star, a woman’s body could only take so much. Plus, I was fucking Kincaid faster than I was producing sperm, so I-quite literally-had nothing left to give her.

When we’d gotten back to her place, it’d been more of the same. However, instead of just fucking her in her bed, I imprinted myself all over her condo. We fucked on the couch, the floor, the kitchen counter, up against two different walls, her bed, the shower, the bathroom counter…we had re-christened the whole damn place.

Again, jealousy and insecurity were a motherfucker.

It hadn’t been until after the shower that I had received a text from Stone for a meeting. His PI had come through, and the information couldn’t wait. So, having packed some clothes, toiletries, and whatever other shit I was going to need to spend the weekend at Kincaid’s, I’d gotten showered and dressed, then headed over to Stone’s.

Now we were all gathered, Rylee at Saxton’s with Sutton and Hastings. Elias was turning out to be a solid decision, and the guy was good. Of course, he probably knew that Stone would kill him if anything happened to Rylee, so there was that.

“So, what’s the verdict?” I asked once we were all settled in Stone’s living room. “By the way, should we be concerned about Lennox showing up?”

“Nah,” Stone replied. “He’s at Debra’s tonight.”

“Okay, so what’s the big news?” Ross echoed.

“Alexander is sleeping with August’s dad,” Stone announced, shutting the entire room up.

After a solid minute of shocked silence, Saxton finally spoke. “Uh…what?”

Stone gestured to a folder lying on the coffee table in front of him. He and Saxton were sitting on the couch while Ross and I had chosen the armchairs. “It’s all in there,” he said. “Pictures included.”

“Holy shit,” Ross muttered. “I mean…holy shit.”

Saxton reached for the folder while I leaned back in my seat. “Well, I guess now we know why August was getting away with murder,” I surmised. “That’s a hell of a secret.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not even the cheating that’s the problem,” Ross remarked. “These guys have mistresses up the ass. However, they’ve all been mistresses, as far as I know. Husbands from two prominent families fucking each other? Yeah, I can see where that might be a problem.”

“No shit,” Saxton mumbled in agreement as he flipped through Donald Remington’s file.

“Plus, considering that my father is homophobic enough to disown his youngest son, it’s probably safe to say that a lot of the older members probably have some prejudices themselves,” Ross added. “This scandal has the potential to fuck them all up.”

“Almost everyone over the age of fifty has some sort of homegrown phobia or another,” Stone agreed. “I could see where this might be a huge problem.” He leaned back against the couch. “Plus, you got that whole woman-scorned shit to deal with, too. Even if they can’t expose the organization’s secrets without destroying themselves, that’s a lot of wealth to fight over during the divorce.”

Saxton handed the file over to Ross, a look of disbelief on his face. “It’s all in there,” he said. “Christ eating a noodle, that’s some crazy shit.”

“So, in light of what we’ve just learned, is it safe to assume that Alexander was just giving us some lip service when he said he’d write up his report on August?” I asked.

Stone grunted. “The fucker.”

Saxton ran his hands through his black hair, and it wasn’t lost on me how it was the same shade as Kincaid’s. As if their close friendship wasn’t enough. “Seems like he’s fucked either way,” Saxton said. “Either he gets outed by August or us.”

“Not necessarily,” I remarked. “It comes down to whether Alexander actually believes that August would rat him out. After all, he can’t ruin Alexander without ruining his own father. When push comes to shove, would August risk everything? Even his own future?” I shrugged. “August has to know that The Order will revoke his membership over a scandal this huge.” I looked at each man. “I think Alexander will recognize us as the bigger threat. This fallout won’t affect us.”

Saxton cocked his head, regarding me a bit. “What if it did, though?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked back. “These aren’t our families. None of us have done anything to hurt or embarrass the organization.”

“True,” Saxton conceded. “However, let’s just say that…they scrap our entire initiating class. Kind of like…erasing us would erase the scandal from their books. What would you do?”

There was something behind what he was asking, and I’d bet my left nut that his question had more to do with whatever fucked-up shit he and Kincaid were into than The Order. “I have two arms, two legs, a functioning brain, and billions of dollars at my disposal,” I reminded him. “If the organization were to void our entire class, I’d just go on to accomplish my goals without them. Will it be harder? Sure. However, hard has never scared me.”

“Same here,” Stone chimed in. “Besides, now that I have Rylee, the rest of it is white noise. I have no doubt that I can still do what I’ve set out to do without the organizations help, but even if I end up living in a cardboard box, as long as Rylee’s with me, I really don’t give a fuck.”

It was weird to hear someone like Stone Lexington talk about his feelings. Out of all of us, he was the most volatile. Stone was mean, aggressive, and confrontational. He was the Pit Bull out of the group, so his candidness was an astonishing difference to his usual character.
