Page 49 of Sphinx

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Chapter 26


With the day starting out as well as it did, I hadn’t expected to have to use my clout to use the video room to re-edit a project that my former project-partner had failed to complete. Had I not had bigger issues to deal with, I would have handed Turner Day his ass when he had approached me earlier, confessing all his sins. Those sins being that he’d been ball-deep in some cheerleader this weekend, instead of working on our project.

The fucker.

So, after telling Turner that he better stay far away from me as possible for the rest of the year, I had sent a text to Saxton to let him know that I was going to be stuck in the video library for a bit. A phone call had ensued after that, a whole lot of talk about me being alone. It hadn’t been until I had agreed to text Stone, and ask for Elias number, that Saxton had finally backed off. While I didn’t blame the guy, especially after what had happened with Hastings, I wasn’t used to being smothered.

After that disaster, I had been courteous enough to text Fox to let him know the same thing. Another phone call had ensued, and it’d been like talking to Saxton all over again. After promising to get Elias’ phone number from Stone again, then promising to call him, then promising my firstborn if I didn’t follow through on my promises, I’d finally been able to get to work.

I’d done everything that I had promised those two men, but when Elias had said he was at an Urgent Care getting stitches because he had accidentally cut himself on a sheet of metal, I’d been quick to reassure him that I was okay, and that calling him had been at Saxton’s demand. He chuckled, understanding that men saw things differently than women. However, he had promised to meet up with me as soon as he was stitched up.

Apparently, after seeing August safely home for the day, Elias had stop to help some poor guy stranded on the side of the road. The guy had been hauling a load of sheet metal and hadn’t secured it properly. When he’d pulled off to the side of the road to secure it better, Elias had stopped to help him. Lots of blood later, the sheet metal had been secured, the guy on his way, and Elias at Urgent Care.

Good times.

With time flying by, I’d been completely absorbed with the visual editing that I hadn’t heard the doors open at first. However, when I got the sudden sensation that I wasn’t alone, I quickly removed the earmuffs from around my neck, then paused the tape. I glanced at my watch as I stood up and noticed that it was already past six in the evening. I’d already been here for over two hours and hadn’t even realized it.

The video editing library was exactly how you would imagine it would look like. It was a cluttered mess, though the equipment was always put away neatly. The room had so much expensive equipment in here that a school faculty member usually had to accompany the students. I had wielded my name like a weapon to get access in here, and so you would think that I would have had the presence of mind to make sure the damn door had been locked behind me. Through no one’s fault but my own, I could admit that I’d been distracted by Saxton and Fox, plus still mad as hell at Turner Day.

Walking around the metal racks of clean film, I stopped short when I saw August fucking Remington standing in the middle of the projector section of the room.

Was I scared?



“What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked as I walked around the racks. “Don’t you have some Order homework to do?”

August shook his head, eyeing me condescendingly. “Looks like someone believes in her own legend,” he drawled out. “But how powerful are you really, Kincaid Black?”

“Powerful enough that you don’t scare me, Remington,” I shot back. I cocked my head at him, my lip twitching. “How did you know I was here?” I snapped my fingers like a dick. “Ah, or were you hoping to attack another unsuspecting girl again?”

Something flashed in his eyes, and it looked a little like insanity, but I couldn’t be sure. “You think you’re so fucking untouchable, don’t you?” he sneered. “You all think you are so much better than I am-”

“We are better than you,” I bit out. “We’re not cowards.”


“Only a coward would beat a female without giving her a chance to fight back,” I told him.

“So, then if I give you a chance to fight back, then I’m not a coward?” he taunted.

“Only a coward would beat a female,” I clarified. “If you’re such a badass, why not approach Saxton, Stone, Ross, or Fox? I guarantee you that those men are more than eager to kill you.”

August’s lips twitched and it was the ugliest thing that I’d ever seen. He wasn’t bothering to hide his sickness from me, and it was truly an evil sight. “Because fucking with you bitches is such a more satisfying option,” he replied. “Stone’s so paranoid that he won’t leave Rylee’s side. Ross is so worried that he can’t concentrate on anything but Sutton. Saxton is such a fucking mess that he missed a week of school to make sure Hastings was okay.” He let out a dark laugh. “You can call me a coward all you want, but I’m winning this war so far.”

“But you’re not,” I corrected. “Because at the end of all this, you will never have Rylee.”

“We’ll see about that,” he scoffed, Rylee a touchy subject obviously. “However, once I get my hands on you, not only will Harrington lose his shit, but what do you think that’ll do to Voss? First, he’s unable to save his wife, and now his best friend?”

And that threat was his miscalculation.

Life could threaten me with a lot; I had no problem with that. After all, I’ve already lost the most important person in my life, what more could life throw my way? However, a threat the only person that has stood by me and held my hand through all my madness? Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen.

Saxton was off-limits.
