Page 50 of Sphinx

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“If you think that you have what it takes to bring me down, bring it the fuck on,” I dared him. “You don’t scare me, August Remington.”

His eyes flared with excitement, and I was willing to bet his dick was hard with the idea of fighting me. Something was seriously wrong with August Remington, and I knew that Rylee would never be safe if he was still around. I suspected that Stone knew it, too.

August let out a low growl as he began to charge me, and, boy, was I fucking ready for it. What this fucking tool didn’t realize was that I had a lot of rage built up, and it’s been building since I was fifteen-years-old. What August didn’t know was that I didn’t know how to process my emotions in a healthy manner. I turned them off in a bid to make sure that the pain of loss didn’t suffocate me. I didn’t know how to manage my emotions, so I shut them off. However, that skill created another problem. Along with being able to shut off my emotions, I was able to shut off my conscience, too. I didn’t have time for regret or sorrow, so that’s what was awaiting August Remington; eight years of anger, remorse, regret, hate, dysfunction, and damaged emotions.

As soon has August tackled me like a linebacker, I was on him. Another thing this piece of shit didn’t know? I’ve been taking kickboxing, martial arts, and self-defense classes since I was a little girl. Apollo had wanted to make sure that I could defend myself in any situation, so even though I was already at instructor level for most of my training, I’ve kept it up for my brother. We always promised each other that we’d always be safe and never take unnecessary risks, and I never stopped honoring my promise to him.

I wasn’t sure how long we fought for, but I made sure to let August get a few hits in. Though they hurt like a sonofabitch, I needed to sell the self-defense angle more than I needed to beat this motherfucker to a pulp. I also made sure to let him toss me around, crashing into the racks and equipment, because I needed the scene to look as violent as possible.

“I’m going to rip you open, you bitch,” he snarled after I got in another shot to his kidneys.

“Really?” I panted. “Because it looks like you’re getting your ass kicked by a girl.”

August let out a humiliated roar, and when he charged me, I moved out of the way, turning around to kick him between his shoulder blades, his body falling forward. Moving with him, I swept his arms out from under him, preventing him from being able to catch himself, and that’s when everything changed.

Like a slow reel, I watched as August’s head came down on the corner of one of the overturned racks before bouncing back hard enough to hear the sickening noise of contact.

His body fell limp against the rack, and I wasn’t sure if I was praying that he was knocked out cold, or if he was dead. Knocking him out would be ideal but killing him solved all our problems. Plus, it meant that Rylee would finally be safe.

I bent down, press my fingers to his neck, then after a few seconds, I dropped on my ass.

Holy. Shit.

August Remington was dead.
