Page 52 of Sphinx

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My laugh wasn’t a joyful one. “Seriously, who isn’t she fucking?”

“That’s enough,” he snapped. “There’s no need to speak about her that way.”

“Ah,” I chuckled darkly. “I guess that answers that.”

“That’s enough, Fox,” he bit out. “I am not sleeping with that woman. Do not suggest that I am again.”

I knew I wasn’t being fair. While it was common practice for the men in the organization to fuck their way through the country, I’ve never known if my father was one of those men. He and my mother seemed happy enough, but I really didn’t know anything about their marriage. All I knew was the united front that they showed the world.

Getting back to the subject at hand, I said, “Look, I don’t see the problem. No one has broken any of the rules.”

“Not technically, no,” he agreed. “But we also know about Ross, August, and you all losing your supporters.”

“Well, you can thank August Remington and Laney Spinner for that,” I flung back. “August is behind all the discord you’ve heard about.”

“Why would August Remington bite the hand that feeds him?” he asked. “That makes no sense, Fox.”

“Because he wants Rylee Lexington,” I told him. “He’s obsessed with her, and he didn’t take it well when she married Stone.”

I could hear him let out a tired chuckled over the phone. “Of course, it is,” he finally muttered.


“Nothing fucks a man up more than a woman, son.” Before I could agree or disagree with that, he added, “Which brings me to my other concern.”

“Which is?” I asked, even though I knew what it was.

“It also got reported back to us that you’re sleeping with Kincaid,” he answered. “Is that true?”

“Since when do you care who I sleep with?” I countered.

His voice was hard and cold when he said, “Since she almost destroyed you the last time you were entertaining that girl.”

All of it was true. I’d been so fucked-up that I couldn’t hide it from my parents. Every holiday home had been rough. I had sunk into a dark place and had spent that first year drunk or high off my ass nearly every night. School had kept me occupied and sane during the day, but I hadn’t had that distraction at night. The only reason I hadn’t spent it drunk, high, and getting laid was because pussy hadn’t been the answer for me.

“It’s not your business,” I told him.

“The fuck it’s not,” he hissed. “And even if you want to tell yourself that, can you see it from the panel’s side, Fox? Kincaid being Saxton Voss’ best friend and your…whatever the fuck she is to you, that-”

“Makes us more powerful than you five?” I supplied. “Because that’s what this is all about, right? While you and Jonathan Lexington don’t care because we’re your sons, it would be problematic for the other three members on the panel for us to become more powerful at such a young age, am I right?”

“This is serious, son,” he stated simply. “Do you not see that?”

“I do,” I replied. “However, there’s nothing you can do about what’s already been done. The guys are married, and Saxton and Kincaid are friends. Unless someone in your royal family has a time machine, those facts cannot be changed.”

“You can stop seeing her,” he suggested, and I wasn’t sure if he was suggesting it as a panel member or my father.

“No, I can’t,” I corrected him. “No more than I could three years ago.”

“She’s going to destroy you, Fox.”

“I know,” I replied because I did know. I knew it better than anyone.

He didn’t say anything for a long while, and that’s when I knew this was a call from my father and not a panel member. Finally, he said, “Call me if you need anything. And I mean anything, son.”

“Will do,” I lied.

He hung up, and I dropped my phone on my bed before running my hands through my hair.

Something needed to give, and soon.
