Page 53 of Sphinx

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Chapter 28


As soon as I had checked August’s pulse for the third time, I had quickly raced to lock the door to the video room. While I’d been eager to see August in trouble for attacking me, killing him took this to an entirely different level.

Was I upset that he was dead?


Hell. No.

Even if I didn’t have the canny ability to shut off my emotions, I was pretty sure that I’d still be okay with August Remington being dead. After what he had done to Hastings, he deserved it. Granted, most people wouldn’t assign death as a reasonable price to pay for roughing someone up, but it was more than that. He would have gone after Rylee eventually. There was no denying that he was a very real danger to her. With him dead, she was safe now.

Then there was his threat about Saxton. I’ve always said that I’d kill or die for Saxton, and I hadn’t been kidding. They hadn’t been just pretty words as a descriptive way to describe our friendship. I’d meant every single word.

Sitting cross-legged next to August’s body, I picked up my phone from the floor, and saw that Saxton was calling me. The phone’s screen was all cracked to hell because it’d been in my pocket during the fight, but it still worked. However, instead of answering the phone, I went to the door.

“Saxton?” I called through the wood.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

I quickly unlocked the door, opened it, grabbed him by his shirt, then hauled him inside before locking the door right behind him.

The second he got a look at me, his eyes narrowed. “If he wasn’t already dead, I’d fucking kill him,” he hissed.

Once there’d been no mistaking that August was dead, I had called Saxton. While I hadn’t told him over the phone that August was dead, I had hedged enough that Saxton had guessed without me having to say the words over the phone.

I waved away his concern. “I’m fine.”

“The fuck you are.” He reached up, grabbed my chin, then tilted my head back and forth. “You’re going to look like hell in the morning.”

My brows jumped. “Well, I’d say that I have bigger issues than what I’m going to look like in the morning, Saxton,” I told him. “Like August Remington’s dead body.”

Saxton let go of my face. “Where is he?”

I jerked my head for him to follow me into the projection area, and August was exactly just where I’d left him. “You can check if you want, but I’ve checked three times.”

Saxton dropped onto his haunches to examine August up close. “Jesus, babe,” he swore. “He looks like a fucking mess.”

“I know.”

“What the fuck happened?” he asked as he kept eyeing August’s dead body.

As detailed as possible, I told him everything from the second that I’d found out that Elias had been at Urgent Care to when I called him. When Saxton stood up, I knew I was in trouble.

“Why in the fuck didn’t you call me or Fox and tell us you were here alone?” he snapped.

“Because Elias was going to call me when he got released,” I snapped back. “I had it all under control.”

His head reared back. “Yeah, I can see that.”

My eyes narrowed. “Don’t be a dick, Saxton.”

“Are you shitting me right now?” he kept barking. “You killed August Remington, Kincaid.”

“I need to call the cops, Saxton,” I told him. “I had already set this up to cry self-defense when I had just been looking to kick his ass. Now that he’s dead, I need to call the police.”

“We are not calling the cops,” he immediately replied. “Just…give me a minute.”
