Page 54 of Sphinx

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“I said give me a fucking minute,” he hissed down at me. After one very long tense minute, he looked at me, his grey eyes narrowed in thought. “Are there cameras in here?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded. “Yeah. The only cameras on campus are the obvious ones. You’ve got the entrance cameras, the parking lot cameras, the library cameras, and the stadium cameras.”

He slid his hands in his pockets. “How do you know this for sure?”

“You know my instructor for the self-defense classes I take?” He nodded. “Well, that’s the first thing he tells his classes each semester. It’s part of his awareness teachings. He has permission from HU to inform his class of where all the cameras are located.”

“And what? They consider everywhere else a violation of privacy?”

I shrugged. “Considering some of the people that go here…well, people have a right to some respect to privacy.”

Saxton didn’t say anything for a long minute. He just stared down at August’s body, doing all the math in his head. That’s how Saxton’s mind worked. He assessed the situation, then wrestled all the possibilities in his head until he figured things out.

When he finally looked at me, I knew what he was going to say. “Babe-”


He let out a deep breath. “They need to know.”

“I don’t see why?”

“Because…you…killed…August…Remington,” he drawled out slowly as if I were dimwitted or something.

My chin came up. “No, that’s not true,” I corrected. “I protected myself against August Remington.”

“Okay…” He speared me with a look. “Hear me out-”

I was already shaking my head. “No.”


“No, Saxton,” I told him. ‘Whatever you’re thinking, no. Just no.”

“We can tell them that I came to pick you up, and heard the attack,” he said, ignoring my protests. “We’ll tell them that I walked in and seen August attacking you. We fought, and that it was me who accidentally killed him.”

“Hell fucking no,” I spat. “You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to let you get arrested for something that I did.”

“And you think I’m going to stand by and let them arrest you?” he fired back.

I grabbed his arms, my eyes imploring him to see reason. “Saxton, it’s not just you and me anymore,” I reminded him. “You have Hastings to consider now. You have a wife that you swore to protect, honor, love, and all that other stuff. Do you think you can do that from prison?”

He looked genuinely offended by that. “Do you honestly think I’m going to end up in prison?”


“Besides, we have enough on Donald Remington to force him to take his son’s death all in stride,” he continued. “Once it gets out that August attacked you, they’re good as done anyway, babe.” Then he shrugged. “Or we can sneak the hell out of here and leave it to the janitors to find his body since there are no cameras.”

I shook my head at that idea. “The Remingtons will demand answers if we just leave him, and that will open up a huge can of worms.”

Saxton took my face in his hands. “Kincaid, I’m not letting you get arrested for murder.” He shook his head. “No fucking way.”

There was no way that I was going to let Saxton get arrested for killing someone, even if it was involuntary manslaughter. That would always follow him around, no matter if he got convicted or not. While it might not affect his future, considering who he was, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

“I’ll make you a deal,” I offered. He just quirked a brow at me. “Let’s call the others, then we vote for whose idea is the best.”

“They’re all going to agree with me,” he quickly replied, but he was wrong.

“Then call them,” I dared. See, what he was forgetting was that Stone and Ross were married, so they would side with me seeing it through Rylee and Sutton’s eyes. I wasn’t sure about Fox, but my vote being the same as Stone’s and Ross’, we’d outnumber Fox and Saxton.

“Fine,” he conceded, then pulled out his phone.

Yeah, fine.
