Page 57 of Sphinx

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Chapter 30


I had issues.

A lot of them.

However, my current issue was with the homicide detective sitting across from me, making this about his ego and not what happened. Looking at him, I wondered if he’d just been recently promoted and that’s why he had his chest puffed up. He was good-looking in that All-American kind of way, but you could see the keen intelligence in his eyes, even though it was being overshadowed by the arrogance all over his face.

Poor shmuck.

After calling 911, it had taken the police about fifteen minute to locate us in the video editing room. Along with four squad cars-kid you not-an ambulance and firetruck had arrived, too. I knew it was standard for ambulances and firetrucks to tag along, but the four squad cars had been a bit much. Plus, if that hadn’t been enough, after we’d all given our initial statements, Detective All-American had shown up with his partner, adding two more cops to the count.

As if I had slaughtered an entire dorm?

Two hours later, we were sitting across from each other, still bumping dicks, because I had refused to answer any questions without my attorney present. While I had given them a general overview of what had happened, when Detective Glen Cole had started peppering me with more detailed questions, I had invoked my right to an attorney. Fox, Saxton, Stone, and Ross had done the same once Detective Cole had started getting aggressive.

Still, I understood it. Finding a Black, Harrington, Voss, Lexington, and Carmichael all together at the scene of a crime had to be a nightmare for any cop. We were so connected that their best bet would be to just chuck August’s body in a ravine and call it a day.

Yeah, our concern wasn’t the police. Our concern centered more around The Order, and what Alexander was going to do. Just like our parents had the power to make it all go away, August’s parents had the power to dig it right back up. I hadn’t killed some random guy. I had killed a Remington, and that was going to shake a lot of things up within the organization. How could Saxton possibly keep me on after doing such a thing? This was bound to have everyone on edge.

Another reason I wasn’t too concerned on this front? About the same time that my lawyer had made her appearance, all our parents had arrived within minutes of each other. However, because we were all legally adults, they were here for financial and moral support more than protection. It’s why I was in here with my lawyer only.

Detective Cole leaned in, resting his arms on the table between us. “While we do appreciate you answering our questions, Ms. Black-” He side-eyed my attorney, Taylor Lee, annoyed as fuck that she was as good as she was. “-you chose to call Saxton Voss first. Most people dial 911 out of instinct if nothing else.”

“Are you judging me for not panicking, Detective Cole?” I asked.

His partner, Detective Brandon Fields pinched his lips together, and I knew that it was because he wasn’t as clueless as his partner. Detective Fields didn’t feel the need to make a name for himself. Even if he did, he didn’t want to do it off my name, that much was obvious.

“I’m simply remarking on a rather extraordinary fact,” he replied smoothly. “Not only did you call Mr. Voss first, but you even seemed irritated by the medical attention you so obviously needed.”

“Do you have a question for Ms. Black, Detective?” Taylor asked. “Or is this your version of speed-dating?”

He looked over at her. “She’d just killed a man, Counselor,” he replied. “Yet, after such a traumatic experience, she calls her friend first? Not the police?” He looked back over at me. “Not to mention that you seem to be taking this awfully well, Ms. Black. Not a tear in sight.”

My brows jumped at that. “Are you suggesting that I should be a hysterical mess over defending myself against a guy who was attacking me?” I asked. “Are you really suggesting that I’m not appropriately distraught? That by your standards, I’m behaving like a cold-blooded killer?”

Ignoring my questions, he added, “Let’s not forget the fact that you also had time to call three other friends who showed up before we did.”

I leaned back in the metal chair. “Saxton already explained that he called them after I had called him. Two plus two still equals four, Detective, no matter how many times you ask me.”

“I’m just not buying it, Ms. Black,” he announced. “You seem too…accepting of the situation for my liking.”

I mimicked his position as I leaned forward on the table. Making sure that my gaze held his, I said, “In less than a year, I am going to begin the necessary steps to take over Black Enterprises, Detective Cole. Do you have any idea of the amount of discipline and drive something like that takes? Do you have any idea how much intelligence and capability it takes to oversee an empire that runs into the billions? Do you have any idea what it takes to manage such a feat?” His face was turning red, and I hoped he choked on my last name. “Defending myself against a piece of shit predator is the last thing that’s going to send me cowering into the corner of my room, a hysterical mess.”

“The rules apply to the elite, also, Ms. Black,” he lied.

“Actually, they don’t,” I countered. “And anyone who has ever been arrested without a dime to their name will agree with me. At the end of the day, everything revolves around money. While my family has the money to fight this case all the way to the Supreme Court, does the Serenity Springs Police Department? Does the county?” I leaned back in my chair, wanting to say checkmate like a dick, but I didn’t. “People with money get off with only having to pay fines because you need their money. You lock up poor people because, while you can’t get money from them, you can get it for them from the state.”

“That’s quite a social assessment from a rich girl,” he replied snidely.

“Very rich,” I replied cockily. “But still not wrong.”

“Are you charging her?” Taylor asked, probably just wanting to make sure. “Because I’m kind of hoping you do, Detective.” I looked over at her, and she was grinning. “I find myself bored these days, so you charging Kincaid Black with murder, manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, unintentional homicide, jaywalking, drinking from a plastic straw, whatever, would certainly make my day more interesting.” She cocked her head a bit. “Imagine the headlines, Detectives. The SSPD arresting a young college student for daring to protect herself from an attacker.” Her grin turned into a wide smile. “And since her attacker was August Remington, well…do you really want to talk about the law and fairness when it comes to rich people?”

He didn’t say anything for a really long time. Granted, it was a last bid at control, and though Taylor and I could see right through it, it was still annoying. My parents were waiting for me, and I knew that they were worried. They’ve already lost their only son, so the last thing that they needed was to worry that their only daughter might be going to prison for the rest of her life.

“It appears as if everything checks out,” he finally conceded, his partner wisely keeping his mouth shut. “While Mr. and Mrs. Remington are no doubt inconsolable, it is being written up as self-defense.”
