Page 24 of Alone

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Megan shrugs and looks at me. I can’t believe how simple this lifestyle is. Shopping, facials, makeup, nails… It seems the hardest part of their day is figuring out which hooker fabric to wear and what time they need to pamper themselves.

“I’m good with waiting,” I say sitting up. “My head is still thumping a bit and I don’t think we got that much sleep last night.”

Megan rolls her eyes. “Understatement of the century.” She takes the mask from me and tosses them both back onto her vanity. “We can hold off on facials. It’ll give me a few more minutes of beauty sleep.”

“You definitely need it!” Leeah shouts from her bedroom. “Goodnight, bitches!”

I grin as Megan gawks like Leeah can see her reaction through the wall. “Whore!” she shouts back.

All of us start laughing and I get up from the bed, leaving Megan to get some sleep. Leeah closes her door after insulting Megan, and Amanda gives me a flirty wave and blows me a kiss before she disappears into her bedroom.

I walk down the hall and slide into my bed, throwing the bags of clothes onto the floor next to the clothes I had on this morning. “So, that’s why my room is the way it is,” I mumble as my head hits the pillow.

I managed to make it through the day. Now all I have to do is survive a night at the club.

Within a few minutes, I feel the sleep tugging at my mind and taking me away. And I let it. I’m way too tired to continue worrying about what the night has in store for me.

Chapter seven

He Smacked My Ass

Myeyesfeellikethey’re glued shut when I try to open them. The alarm beside the bed is pushing my heart rate to its limits while it blares at max volume.

“What the-,” I gasp for air trying to look around and figure out where I am, but my head is still under a pillow. I never moved in my sleep last night. Not after the fight I had with Nick. Us screaming at each other in front of the kids took its toll on my mental state and I feel groggy.

I slam my hand to the right of me, my eyes still covered by the pillow, but I miss the alarm clock. It’s still blaring. When I don’t come in contact with it a second time, I realize it’s not mine that’s beeping, it’s Nick’s.

“Nick!” I shout. “Turn off the damn alarm!” He doesn’t reply. I reach over to shake him, but my arm hits nothing. Just air. I’m on the wrong side of the bed.

I groan.

When I lift my head and look around, I squeeze my eyes closed. “That’s right,” I whisper. “I’m not married to Nick. I don’t have four kids and I don’t live in the suburbs. I’m a stripper and I live in a small house with three other women while the psycho broom lady chases guests off my property.”

A pounding on my door makes me jump. “Shut off that fucking alarm!” Megan yells.

I reach over, now snapping back to reality, and press the off switch to silence the noisy box by my bed. “Sorry!” I yell.

Megan doesn’t reply. I roll over and lie on my back, staring at the ceiling. “It’s seven o’clock,” I tell myself. “This is going to be a long night.”

I sit up and swing my legs to the side of the bed.

Andnooowwwthe panic sets in.

“Fuck,” I whisper. I’m staring at the shopping bags from earlier today. “I have to work tonight. I have to…worktonight.” I cover my face with my hands and take a deep breath. When I exhale, I quickly remove my hands and try not to gag on my own breath. “I need to brush. I need a shower. I need-”

“Me first!” Leeah shouts from the hall.

These walls are obviously paper thin. Hopefully they didn’t hear me yelling at Nick.

“I’m just going to take a cab and head to the club now,” Megan says through my bedroom door. “I’ll use their showers and get a head start on my makeup. You in?”

“I’m in,” I say. I’m desperate to wash away these last twenty-four hours. A crappy night’s sleep that rolled into a nightmare-come-true, followed by hours of dancing and shopping and girling.


“Meet me at the door in ten,” Megan says. “And don’t forget your new outfit!” She says this in a taunting tone, almost singing it.

I can tell she’s excited for tonight. I’m a combination of excited, and completely terrified out of my mind. I guess we’ll see which side of me takes over tonight when I’m actually wrapped around a pole in front of people.
